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2021-6-10 15:47| 发布者: admin| 查看: 27| 评论: 0

摘要: `
3公民意味着什么 what it means to be a citizen
2公民身份从何而来Where does citizenship come from
3在家里,我们是孩子;We are children at home;
4在学校,我们是学生;At school, we are students
5在商场,我们是顾客。We are customers in the mall
6我们的身份在不同的场合会发生变化,Our identity will change on different occasions,
7但是,有一个身份是共同的,那就是公民。But there is one identity that is common and that is citizenship.
♧活动园Activity park
1大家好!我叫彼得,来自英国,本学期担任你们的英语外教。Hello everyone! My name is Peter and I am from England. I will be your English foreign teacher this semester.
2我和家人从国外旅游回来时,在首都机场的边检处办理入关手续。My family and I went through customs clearance procedures at the border inspection office of the Capital Airport when we returned from a foreign travel.
3我发现这里分为“中国公民”“外国人”等不同的通关通道。I found that there are different customs clearance channels such as "Chinese citizens" and foreigners.
4你是怎么理解中国人、美国人、英国人、日本人等不同身份的?How do you understand the different identities of Chinese, American, British, Japanese, etc.?
5想一想,机场的边检处为什么设置“中国公民”通道和“外国人”通道。Think about why the border checkpoints at the airport set up passages for "Chinese citizens" and "foreigners".
♧知识窗Knowledge window
1公民身份与国家密切相关、Citizenship is closely related to the country,
2标示着个人作为国家成员的资格、Indicates the qualifications of the individual as a member of the country
3即具有某一国国籍,That is to have the nationality of a certain country,
4并根据该国法律规定享有权利和承担义务。And in accordance with the laws and regulations of the country to enjoy rights and assume obligations.
5国籍取得的方式一般有两种:There are generally two ways to acquire nationality
6一是以出生的方式取得;First, by birth;
7二是以申请加入的方式取得。The second is obtained by applying for membership.
8凡具有中华人民共和国国籍的人都是中华人民共和国公民。All persons with the nationality of the People's Republic of China are citizens of the People's Republic of China.
9我家祖祖辈辈生活在中国,我出生在中国,具有中国国籍,是中国公民。My ancestors have lived in China for generations. I was born in China and have Chinese nationality. I am a Chinese citizen.
10父母双方或一方为中国公民,本人出生在中国,具有中国国籍。Both or one of the parents is a Chinese citizen who was born in China and has Chinese nationality.
11我爸爸妈妈是中国公民,我出生在国外,爸爸妈妈给我选择了中国国籍。My parents are Chinese citizens. I was born abroad. My parents chose Chinese nationality for me.
12父母双方或一方为中国公民,本人出生在外国,具有中国国籍。Both or one of the parents is a Chinese citizen who was born in a foreign country and has Chinese nationality.
13我出生在中国、丈夫是德国人。I was born in China and my husband is German.
14我现在定居德国,申请加入了德国国籍,放弃了中国国籍。I now live in Germany, I applied for German citizenship and gave up Chinese citizenship.
15我来自爱尔兰,在中国工作多年。I come from Ireland and have worked in China for many years.
16我热爱这个国家,已经放弃原来的国籍,加入了中国国籍。I love this country and I have given up my original nationality and become a Chinese nationality.
17外国人或无国籍人,愿意遵守中国的宪法和法律,并具备一定件,Foreigners or stateless persons who are willing to abide by China's Constitution and laws and have certain conditions,
18可以经申请批准加入中国国籍。Can be naturalized as a Chinese citizen upon approval of application.
19我国不承认中国公民具有双重国籍,my country does not recognize that Chinese citizens have dual nationality,
20中国公民具备法定条件的、可以经申请批准退出中国国籍。Chinese citizens who meet the statutory requirements may renounce their Chinese nationality upon application and approval.
♧活动园Activity Park
1雅典成年男子参加公民大会Athenian adult man participates in citizen assembly
2“公民”一词最早出现于古希腊,并为古罗马所沿用。The term "citizen" first appeared in ancient Greece and was used by ancient Rome.
3在雅典,公民仅限于父母都是本城邦自由民并拥有财产的成年男性,In Athens, citizens are limited to adult males whose parents are both free citizens of the city and own property.
4而妇女、城邦中极为贫困的人及占人口一半左右的奴隶都不是公民。And women, the extremely poor in the city-states, and the slaves who make up about half of the population are not citizens.
5公民享有参加公民大会和陪审法庭的权利、担任官职等政治权利,Citizens enjoy political rights such as the right to participate in citizens' assemblies and jury courts, and to hold official positions
6那些不具有公民资格的人则不享有这些权利。Those who do not have citizenship do not enjoy these rights.
7在古罗马王政时期,During the rule of ancient Rome,
8居民分为两部分:Residents are divided into two parts
9贵族是完全意义上的公民,享有政治权利,同时承担服兵役和纳税的义务;Nobles are citizens in the full sense, enjoying political rights and undertaking military service and paying taxes;
10平民和奴隶则既不享有政治权利,也无须承担服兵役和纳税的义务。Civilians and slaves neither enjoy political rights, nor are they obligated to perform military service and pay taxes.
11随着罗马帝国的扩张,帝国境内所有自由民均被赋予公民资格。With the expansion of the Roman Empire, all free citizens in the empire were granted citizenship.
12针对“公民”一词、有下面一些看法。For the term "citizens", there are the following opinions
13古希腊时,并不是所有人都有公民资格。In ancient Greece, not everyone had citizenship.
14好像妇女没有公民资格。It seems that women do not have citizenship.
15奴隶也没有公民资格。Slaves also have no citizenship.
16结合“公民”一词的起源,谈该你的认识。Combining the origin of the word "citizen", talk about your understanding.
1认识居民身份证Know the resident identity card
2为了证明居住在中华人民共和国境内的公民的身份,To prove the identity of citizens residing in the People's Republic of China
3保障公民的合法权益,便利公民进行社会活动,维护社会秩序,Protect the legitimate rights and interests of citizens, facilitate citizens to conduct social activities and maintain social order,
4国家为每个公民确定了公民身份号码——The country has established a citizenship number for each citizen
5每个公民唯一的、终身不变的身份代码。A unique and permanent identity code for each citizen.
6身份证正面Front of ID card
7身份证背面Back of ID card
8说一说、居民身份证的正面和背面分别印有哪些信息、Tell me, what information is printed on the front and back of the resident ID card,
9居民身份证上独一无二的信息是什么。What is the unique information on the resident ID card.
10公民身份号码是身份证上独一无二的信息,The citizenship number is unique information on the ID card,
11每个人都有一个专属于自己的号码。Everyone has a unique number.
12但是,这些数字有什么含义呢?But what do these numbers mean?
13为什么我的身份证有效期限与爸爸妈妈的不一样?Why is the validity period of my ID card different from that of my parents?
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1公民身份号码由18位数字组成,The citizenship number consists of 18 digits
2各有不同的含义:Each has a different meaning
3第1-6位是地址码;Bits 1-6 are the address code
4第7-14位为出生日期码;The number 7-14 is the date of birth code
5第15-17位为顺序码;Bits 15-17 are sequence codes;
6第18位为校验码,如果校验码为10,则用X代替。The 18th digit is the check code. If the check code is 10, replace it with ⅹ.
7根据《中华人民共和国居民身份证法》的规定,According to the "People's Republic of China Resident Identity Card Law",
8未满16周岁的公民自愿领取居民身份证的,Citizens under the age of 16 voluntarily receive a resident identity card,
9发给有效期5年的居民身份证;Issue a resident identity card valid for 5 years;
10.16-25周岁的,身份证有效期是10年; For those aged 16-25, their ID cards are valid for 10 years
11.26-45周岁的,身份证有效期是20年;For those aged 26-45, their ID cards are valid for 20 years;
12.46周岁以上的,身份证长期有效。For those over 46 years old, the ID card is valid for a long time.
♧活动园Activity park
1张恒的妈妈假期带他外出旅游。Zhang Heng's mother took him to travel outside the country during the holiday. 
2出发前,妈妈带他去派出所办理了身份证。Before departure, his mother took him to the police station for an ID card.
3一路走下来,张恒发现身份证虽小,但作用可大了,Walking all the way, Zhang Heng found that although the ID card is small, it has a great effect.
4生活中不少地方都用得上它。It is used in many places in life.
5身份证用处知多少How much do you know about the use of ID cards
6在酒店办理住宿登记Check in at the hotel
7在机场办理登机手续Check in at the airport
8在火车站自助取票机上打印火车票Print the train ticket on the self-service ticket machine at the railway station
9在手机营业厅办理业务Handling business in the mobile business hall
10在邮局邮寄物品Mail items at the post office
11想一想,身份证还有哪些用处。Think about the usefulness of ID cards.
12日常生活中,警察基于履行职责的需要,依法有权查验居民身份证,In daily life, the police have the right to check the resident ID card based on the need to perform their duties.
13我们必须配合。这是我们作为公民的法定义务。We must cooperate. This is our legal obligation as citizens.
14你知道警察为什么要查验身份证吗?Do you know why the police check the ID card?
15警察查验身份证Police check ID
♧知识窗Knowledge window
1人民警察依法执行职务,遇有下列情形之一的,The people's police perform their duties in accordance with the law and encounter one of the following situations,
2经出示执法证件,可以查验居民身份证:Upon presentation of law enforcement documents, the resident identity card can be checked:
3(一)对有违法犯罪嫌疑的人员,需要查明身份的;(1) It is necessary to find out the identity of a person suspected of breaking the law or committing a crime;
4(二)依法实施现场管制时,需要查明有关人员身份的; It is necessary to ascertain the identity of relevant personnel when implementing on-site control in accordance with the law;
5(三)发生严重危害社会治安突发事件时,需要查明现场有关人员身份的; In the event of an emergency that seriously endangers public security, it is necessary to find out the identity of the relevant personnel on the scene;
6(四)在火车站、长途汽车站、港口、码头、机场At railway stations, long-distance bus stations, ports, docks, and airports
7或者在重大活动期间设区的市级人民政府规定的场所,Or during a major event at a place specified by a municipal people's government with districts,
8需要查明有关人员身份的Need to find out the identity of the person concerned
9(五)法律规定需要查明身份的其他情形。Other circumstances requiring identification as required by law
♧活动园Activity Park
1观察右图,说一说这种做法是否合适,原因是什么。Observe the picture on the right and talk about the reasons why this approach is appropriate.
2居民身份证上有姓名、生日、家庭住址等信息,应注意保密,Information such as name, birthday, and home address on the resident ID should be kept confidential.
3避免个人信息泄露后,被不法分子利用,损害自己或家庭的利益。Prevent personal information from being used by criminals after it is leaked to damage the interests of oneself or family.
4在生活中,我们可以这样做。In life, we can do this
5妥善处置快递单、车票、购物小票等包含个人信息的单据Properly dispose of documents containing personal information such as courier tickets, bus tickets, shopping receipts, etc.
6以及其他包含个人信息的资料,不要随意乱扔。And other materials containing personal information, don’t throw away randomly
7不要随意透露或在网上发布单据的二维码、条形码等Do not arbitrarily disclose or publish the QR code, barcode, etc. of the receipt on the Internet
8身份证复印件上要写明用途,The purpose should be stated on the copy of the ID card
9在含有身份信息的区域注明Indicate in the area that contains identification information
10“本复印件仅供某某用于某某用途,他用无效”和日期The following copy is only for XX for other purposes, invalid and date
11身份证丢失,要及时到公安机关挂失。If the ID card is lost, report the loss to the public security organ in time.
12身份证最好不要借给他人使用。It is best not to lend your ID card to others.
13如果请他人代自己办事,也要托付给信任的人。If you ask others to do things for yourself, you must also entrust them to someone you trust.
1我是中国公民I am a Chinese citizen
2中华民族是智慧、勤劳、勇敢的民族,The Chinese nation is a wise, hardworking, and brave nation.
3中国社会主义建设的成就举世瞩目。The achievements of China's socialist construction have attracted worldwide attention.
4为国家富强、民族复兴作出自己的贡献,Make your own contribution to the country's prosperity and national rejuvenation,
5是我们作为中国公民的使命。It is our mission as Chinese citizens.
6资料来源:《政府工作报告》(2018年)Source: Government Work Report (2018)
7新中国成立以来,我国的各项经济指标高速增长,Since the founding of New my country, various economic indicators of our country have grown rapidly.
8农业、交通、教育等领域都取得了令人瞩目的成就。Notable achievements have been made in agriculture, transportation, education and other fields.
9这些成就的取得离不开每个中国公民的共同努力。These achievements cannot be achieved without the joint efforts of every Chinese citizen.
10.2008年,第29届夏季奥运会在北京成功举办,In 2008, the 29th Xia Li Olympic Games was successfully held in Beijing
11中华民族实现了举办奥运会的百年梦想。The Chinese nation has realized its century-old dream of hosting the Olympic Games
12中国是全世界第五个掌握载人深潜技术的国家,China is the fifth country in the world that has mastered manned deep diving technology.
13在海洋科学研究和资源勘探方面都达到了国际领先水平。It has reached the international leading level in marine scientific research and resource exploration.
14我国自主设计、自主集成研制的作业型深海载人潜水器“蛟龙号”,The operational deep-sea manned submersible "Jiaolong" independently designed and integrated independently by my country,
15在马里亚纳海沟创造了下潜7062米的载人下潜深度纪录。A manned dive depth record of 06 meters was set in the Mariana Trench.
16这标志着“蛟龙号”可在占世界海洋面积9%的广阔海域中使用,This indicates that the "Jiaolong" can be used in a vast sea area that accounts for 9% of the world's ocean area.
17对于我国开发利用深海资源有着极为重要的意义。It is of great significance to my country's development and utilization of deep-sea resources.
18“蛟龙号”载人潜水器"Jiaolong" manned submersible
1我骄傲:我是中国人(节选)I am proud: I am Chinese (excerpt)
2王怀让Wang Huairang
3我骄傲,我是中国人——I am proud i am chinese
4黄土高原是我挺起的胸脯,The Loess Plateau is my chest,
5黄河流水是我沸腾的血液,The water of the Yellow River is my boiling blood,
6长城是我扬起的手臂,The Great Wall is my raised arm,
7泰山是我站立的脚跟。Tarzan is the heel on which I stand.
8我骄傲,我是中国人——I am proud i am chinese
9我的祖宗最早走出森林,My ancestor walked out of the forest first
10我的先人最早开始耕耘,My ancestors first began to cultivate,
11我是指南针和印刷术的后裔,I am a descendant of compass and typography
12我是圆周率和地动仪的子孙。I am a descendant of Pi and Seismograph.
13我是中国人!I am Chinese!
14我那黄河一样粗犷的声音——My rough voice like a yellow river
15不光响彻在联合国的大厦里,Not only in the building of the United Nations
16大声发表着中国的议论,Loudly expressing China's arguments,
17也响彻在奥林匹克的赛场上,Also resounded in the Olympic arena,
18大声高喊着“中国得分”!Shouting "China Score"!
19当掌声把五颗金星托上蓝天,When the applause lifts the five golden stars into the blue sky,
20我骄傲:我是中国人!I am proud: I am Chinese!
21.2016年,中国女排在巴西里约热内卢举办的奥运会上夺得冠军。In 2016, the Chinese women's volleyball team won the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
22决赛真是太紧张激烈了,The finals were so intense
23胜利的那一刻,我激动得跳了起来。I jumped with excitement at the moment of victory
24女排姐姐真是太棒了!我为她们感到骄傲!The women's volleyball sisters are amazing! I am so proud of them!
25说一说,还有哪些事情让你体会到作为中国公民的自豪,Tell me about other things that make you feel proud of being a Chinese citizen
26如科技、体育、经济等领域的成就。Such as achievements in science and technology, sports, economics and other fields.
♧活动园Activity Park
1判断下列关于中国公民的说法。Judge the following statements about Chinese citizens.
2说法正确的在括号里画“✓”,说法错误的在括号里画“×”,If the statement is correct, draw “√” in the brackets, and if the statement is wrong, draw “x,
3并尝试说一说理由。And try to explain the reason.
4出国的人就不是中国公民了。( )Those who go abroad are not Chinese citizens. ( )
5犯罪后被判刑,就失去公民身份了。(  )After the crime is sentenced, he loses his citizenship. ()
6外籍华人不是中国公民。(  )Foreign Chinese are not Chinese citizens. ()
7只有年满18周岁,才是公民。(  )Only citizens over 18 years old are citizens. ()
8只有取得选民资格,才享有公民权利。(  )Only by obtaining the qualifications of voters can you enjoy citizenship rights. (  )
9随着中国经济、社会的快速发展,With the rapid development of China's economy and society,
10中国到海外留学、务工和执公务的人员越来越多。There are more and more Chinese people studying abroad, working and performing official duties.
11中国公民不仅应当在中国境内遵守法律,Chinese citizens should not only abide by the law in China
12到其他国家或地区学习、工作、旅游时,When studying, working, or traveling in other countries or regions,
13也应当遵守当地法律,尊重当地的风俗习惯。It should also abide by local laws and respect local customs and habits.
14护照是我们在海外明中国国籍和中国公民身份的证件。Passports are documents for us to prove Chinese nationality and Chinese citizenship abroad.
15你知道护照上有哪些重要信息吗?Do you know what important information is in the passport?
♧活动园Activity park
1走出国门,每个人都代表中国,都是中国的名片。When going abroad, everyone represents China and is China's business card.
2中国派出很多援外医疗队,China has sent many foreign aid medical teams,
3参与抗击埃博拉病毒等公共卫生危机处置,Participate in the fight against Ebola virus and other public health crisis management,
4赢得了受援助国家和人民的高度赞扬。Won the high praise of the aided countries and people.
5中外交流越来越多,我们要主动向外国朋友介绍我们的文化和历史。There are more and more exchanges between China and foreign countries, and we must take the initiative to introduce our culture and history to foreign friends.
6很多国家的风俗习惯和我国不一样,我们应当尊重。The customs of many countries are different from ours, we should respect.
7我上次和妈妈出国,在餐厅吃饭时遇到了一些同胞,他们说话声音有点大。Last time I was having dinner with my mother Ba Guo, I met some compatriots who spoke a little loudly.
8很多中国人在海外取得科技、商业等方面的成就,你知道他们的励志故事吗?Many Chinese have made achievements in technology and business overseas. Do you know their inspirational stories?
1中国是世界上侨民最多的国家,侨民散布于全球各地。China is the country with the largest number of diaspora in the world. Diasporas are scattered all over the world.
2保护侨民的人身和财产安全,是国家和政府的责任之一。It is the responsibility of the state and government to protect the personal and property safety of the diaspora.
3.2014年9月2日,September 2, 2014
4.外交部全球领事保护与服务应急呼叫中心“12308”24小时热线电话正式开通。The "12308" 24-hour hotline of the Global Consular Protection and Service Emergency Call Center of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was officially opened.
5中国公民如果在海外遇到紧急情况,可以拨打该热线电话求助。If Chinese citizens encounter emergency situations overseas, they can call this hotline for help.
6外交部全球领事保护与服务应急呼叫中心Global Consular Protection and Service Emergency Call Center of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
7在国外如遇到人身安全受到侵害等紧急情况If you encounter emergency situations such as personal safety violations abroad
8拨打0086+10+12308  Dial 0086+10+12308





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