陈雷英语 门户 道德与法治 六年级上册 查看内容


2021-6-10 15:47| 发布者: admin| 查看: 35| 评论: 0

摘要: `
4公民的基本权利和义务 Basic rights and duties of citizens
2公民的基本权利Basic rights of citizens
3宪法是国家的根本法,是公民权利的保障书。The constitution is the fundamental law of the country and the guarantee of citizens' rights.
4宪法保障的公民基本权利,是我们在国家和社会生活中最重要的权利。The fundamental rights of citizens guaranteed by the constitution are our most important rights in our country and social life.
5宪法规定,公民享有广泛的人身、政治、经济、社会、文化等方面的权利。The Constitution stipulates that citizens enjoy a wide range of personal, political, economic, social, and cultural rights.
6国家应充分保障公民基本权利,让人们可以安心地工作、学习和生活,The state should fully guarantee the basic rights of citizens so that people can work, study and live with peace of mind
7让每个公民在困难时获得帮助。Let every citizen get help in times of difficulty.
♧活动园Activity Park
1查找宪法第二章的规定,看看下列情景对应公民的哪项基本权利,Look up the provisions of Chapter 2 of the Constitution and see which basic rights of citizens correspond to the following scenarios
2将序号写在圆圈中。Write the serial number in the circle.
3休息权 Physical fitness
4物质帮助权 Right to material assistance
6沈一诺的爷爷今年80岁,他领取了当地政府发放的高龄津贴。Shen Yinuo's grandfather was 80 years old this year and he received an old age allowance from the local government.
7梁思源的姐姐大学毕业求职时,When Liang Siyuan's sister graduated from college and applied for a job,
8看到县财政局公务员招聘条件之一是“仅限男性”。I saw that one of the conditions for recruiting civil servants in the County Finance Bureau is "male only."
9孟家琪的爸爸就职的公司要求员工每天工作12小时,The company where Meng Jiaqi’s father works requires employees to work 12 hours a day
10没有节假日,也不发加班费。There are no holidays and no overtime pay.
♧知识窗Knowledge window
1新中国成立之前,Before the founding of New China,
2虽然《中华民国临时约法》提出了保障国民权利,Although the "Provisional Constitution of the Republic of China" mentions the protection of national rights
3但是当时内忧外患,公民的权利无法得到保障。But at that time, there were internal and external troubles, and the rights of citizens could not be guaranteed.
4.1954年颁布的宪法的第三章第八十五条规定:Article 85 of Chapter 3 of the Constitution promulgated in 1954
5中华人民共和国公民在法律上一律平等。All citizens of the People's Republic of China are equal in law.
6.1982年颁布的宪法全面规定了公民的基本权利和义务。The Constitution promulgated in 1982 comprehensively stipulates the basic rights and duties of citizens.
7国家切实保障公民基本权利的实现。The state effectively guarantees the realization of the basic rights of citizens.
♧活动园Activity Park
1我国制定了很多法律,具体落实宪法中规定的公民基本权利,my country has formulated many laws to specifically implement the basic rights of citizens stipulated in the constitution.
2请你用连线的方式把对应的内容连起来。Please connect the corresponding content by way of connection.
3《中华人民共和国继承法》"Inheritance Law of the People's Republic of China"
4人身自由权Personal liberty
5《中华人民共和国就业促进法》The Employment Promotion Law of the People's Republic of China
6女性的权利Women's rights
7《中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法》The Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China
9《中华人民共和国老年人权益保障法》"Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Rights and Interests of the Elderly"
10选举权与被选举权The right to vote and the right to be elected
11《中华人民共和国妇女权益保障法》"Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Women's Rights and Interests"
12文化权利Cultural rights
13《中华人民共和国选举法》"The Election Law of the People's Republic of China"
14物质帮助权Right to material assistance
15《中华人民共和国电影产业促进法》"The Film Industry Promotion Law of the People's Republic of China"
16劳动权Labor rights
17权利不是绝对的,而是有界限的。Rights are not absolute but bounded.
18宪法规定,The constitution stipulates,
19公民在行使自由和权利的时候,When citizens exercise their freedom and rights
20不得损害国家的、社会的、集体的利益和其他公民的合法的自由和权利。Must not harm the national, social, collective interests and the lawful freedom and rights of other citizens.
21因此,我们在行使权利的时候,不能滥用权利。Therefore, when we exercise our rights, we must not abuse our rights.
♧活动园Activity Park
1林博远家楼上的高叔叔这几个月装修房子。Uncle Gao above Lin Boyuan’s house has been renovating the house these months
2高叔叔让工人早上六点就开工、晚上十点才收工。Uncle Gao asked the workers to start work at six in the morning and finish work at ten in the evening.
3装修噪声搞得楼上楼下的邻居睡不好觉。The noise from the decoration made the neighbors upstairs and downstairs sleep well.
4林博远的爸爸多次找高叔叔协商,请他妥善解决问题。Lin Boyuan's father consulted with Uncle Gao several times and asked him to properly solve the problem.
5高叔叔却理直气壮地说:Uncle Gao said frankly
6“我在自己家里装修是我的权利,你无权干涉!”It is my right to decorate my own home and you have no right to interfere!
7高叔叔有装修自家房子的权利,别人无权干涉。Uncle Gao has the right to decorate his house. No one else has the right to interfere.
8林博远和他的父母也享有不被他人打扰的权利。Lin Boyuan and his parents also enjoy the right not to be disturbed by others
9高叔叔装修不应该打扰邻居的正常休息。Uncle Gao’s decoration should not disturb the neighbor’s normal rest.
10你如何评价这三位同学的看法?如果你是林博远,你会如何处理这件事情?How do you evaluate the views of these three classmates? If you were Lin Boyuan, how would you handle this matter?
1公民的基本义务Basic duties of citizens
2宪法除了保障公民的基本权利,还规定了公民的基本义务,In addition to guaranteeing the basic rights of citizens, the Constitution also stipulates the basic duties of citizens.
3这体现了国家利益、集体利益和个人利益相结合的原则。This embodies the principle of combining national interests, collective interests and individual interests.
4我们应当履行的基本义务,既有对国家、社会的义务,也有对家庭的义务。The basic obligations that we should perform include obligations to the country and society as well as obligations to the family.
♧活动园Activity Park
1查阅宪法第二章的规定,Check the provisions of Chapter 2 of the Constitution,
2看看下列情景对应公民的哪项义务,Take a look at which obligations of citizens correspond to the following scenarios,
3将序号写在圆圈中。Write the serial number in the circle.
4维护民族团结的义务The obligation to maintain national unity
5.保守国家秘密的义务 Obligation to keep state secrets
6.赡养扶助父母的义务 Obligation to support and support parents
7遵守公共秩序的义务Obligation to observe public order
8秦朗和同学在车站等车,按照顺序上车。Qin Lang and his classmates waited for the train at the station and boarded the train in order.
9李奶奶卧病在床,她的儿子和女儿轮流照顾她。Grandma Li is ill in bed, and her son and daughter take turns taking care of her.
10田月琳和蒙古族同学经常互帮互助,Tian Yuelin and Mongolian classmates often help each other,
11还一起参加了学校组织的“维护民族团结”主题演讲比赛。They also participated in the "Maintenance of National Unity" theme speech contest organized by the school.
12丁锐达的爸爸在军事科研机构工作,Ding Ruida's father worked in a military scientific research institution,
13每次有人间锐达的爸爸工作单位的情况,爸爸都说:“对不起,无可奉告。”Every time there is a situation in the workplace of Ruida's father, Dad said: I'm sorry, no comment. "
14一天,孙园一家三口去饭店吃饭。One day, the sunyuan family went to a restaurant for dinner.
15结账时,服务员说:“如果不要发票,就送你们一个小水杯。”At the time of the bill, the waiter said: "If you don't need an invoice, I will give you a small water glass.
16孙园很喜欢那个水杯,但是,爸爸坚持要开发票。Sun Yuan liked the cup very much, but my father insisted on invoicing.
17服务员又说:“我们饭店规定消费不满300元不能开发票。”The waiter also said: "Our hotel stipulates that no invoice can be issued if the consumption is less than 300 yuan.
18爸爸很生气,Dad is angry
19说:“哪里有这种规定?你们再不开发票,我就打纳税热线12366!”Say:¨ Where is there such a requirement? If you don’t issue an invoice, I’ll call the tax hotline 12366
20服务员这才很不情愿地给他们开了发票。The waiter reluctantly invoiced them.
21回家路上,孙园想不通爸爸为什么非要发票不可。On the way home, Sun Yuan couldn't figure out why Dad had to ask for an invoice.
22爸爸说:“税收取之于民,用之于民。Dad said: Taxes are taken from the people and used by the people.
23纳税是每个公民的义务。Paying taxes is the duty of every citizen.
24我们的餐费里包含了饭店应该缴纳给国家的税款,Our meal expenses include taxes that the restaurant should pay to the country.
25如果我们不要发票饭店就可能逃税,国家的税收会因此流失。”If we don’t want to invoice restaurants, we may evade tax, and the country’s tax revenue will be lost
26你怎么看待饭店工作人员和孙园爸爸的做法?What do you think of the hotel staff and Sun Yuan's father?
27如果遇见这种情况,你会怎么做?What would you do if you encounter this situation?
♧相关链接Related links
1.12366是全国统一的纳税服务热线,12366 is a unified national tax service hotline,
2纳税人可以通过拨打热线电话,查询有关税收的法律和政策,Taxpayers can inquire about tax laws and policies by dialing the hotline
3咨询如何办理税务登记、发票购领申报纳税,Consult how to handle tax registration, invoice purchase, receipt and tax declaration,
4举报税收违法行为。Report tax violations.
5《中华人民共和国税收征收管理法》规定:The law of the people's Republic of China on the administration of tax collection stipulates that:
6任何单位和个人都有权检举违反税收法律、行政法规的行为。Any unit or individual has the right to report violations of tax laws and administrative regulations
7收到检举的机关和负责查处的机关应当为检举人保密。The agency that receives the report and the agency responsible for investigation and punishment shall keep the informant confidential.
8税务机关应当接照规定对检举人给予奖励。The tax authority shall give rewards to the informant in accordance with the regulations.
9宪法规定,任何公民都享有宪法和法律规定的权利,According to the constitution, all citizens enjoy the rights prescribed by the Constitution and the law,
10同时必须履行宪法和法律规定的义务,权利和义务是一致的。At the same time, the rights and obligations stipulated by the Constitution and the law must be consistent.
11因此,我们不仅要增强权利观念,也要增强义务观念,Therefore, we must not only strengthen the concept of rights, but also the concept of obligations,
12自觉履行法律规定的义务。Consciously fulfill the obligations stipulated by the law.
13丁飞爸爸的基本权利与义务Ding Fei's father's basic rights and obligations
14.12岁的丁飞和爸爸一起翻看家中的相册,爸爸给丁飞讲了照片中的故事。15.12-year-old Ding Fei and his father looked at the photo album at home together, and his father told Ding Fei the story in the photo.
16这是我上六年级时的照片。This is a photo of me when I was in sixth grade.
17我高中毕业后,应征入伍,在部队里训练。I enlisted in the army after graduating from high school and trained in the army
18从部队复员后,我来到企业工作。After being demobilized from the army, I came to work in the company.
19这是我去年作为区人大代表发言时的照片。This is a photo of me when I was speaking as a representative of the District People's Congress last year.
20丁飞爸爸的成长经历,反映出他享有哪些基本权利,履行了哪些基本义务?Ding Fei's father's growth experience reflects which basic rights he enjoys and which basic obligations have he fulfilled?
21公民履行义务既包括做法律规定我们必须做的事情,The fulfillment of obligations by citizens includes doing what the law requires us to do,
22如纳税,服兵役,维护祖国安全、荣誉和利益;Such as paying taxes, performing military service, and safeguarding the safety, honor and interests of the motherland
23也包括不做法律禁止做的事情,如不偷别人的财物,不伤害别人。It also includes not doing things that are prohibited by law, such as not stealing other people’s property, not hurting others,
24如果我们不履行义务,就要承担相应的法律责任。If ”we fail to fulfill our obligations, we shall bear corresponding legal responsibilities.
♧活动园Activity Park
1写一写,下列情景中涉及什么权利?Write it down, what rights are involved in the following scenarios?
2这些权利是谁享有的?Who has these rights?
3谁应该保障这些权利的行使?Who should guarantee the exercise of these rights?
4情景1:今年6周岁的叶知秋成为一名小学生Scenario 1: Ye Zhiqiu, who is 6 years old this year, becomes a primary school student
5情景2:崔鹏程在教育局局长留言板上就加强校园环境建设提出建议。Scenario 2: Cui Pengcheng made suggestions on strengthening the construction of the campus environment on the message board of the Secretary of Education.
6情景3:吴立敏家搬进了政府提供的保障性住房。Scenario 3: Wu Limin's family moved into government-provided affordable housing
7涉及的权利Rights involved
8谁享有这种权利Who has this right
9谁应该保障这些权利的行使Who should guarantee the exercise of these rights
10情景1 scenario1
11情景2 Scenario 2
12情景3 Scenario 3
1国家尊重和保障人权The state respects and protects human rights
2人权是每个人作为人所应当享有的权利。Human rights are the rights that everyone should enjoy as a human being.
3.2004年,第十届全国人民代表大会第二次会议通过宪法修正案,In 2004, the Second Session of the Tenth National People's Congress passed a constitutional amendment
4将“国家尊重和保障人权”载入宪法。Include "the state respects and protects human rights" in the constitution.
5尊重和保障人权是我国的宪法原则,Respect and protection of human rights is our country's constitutional principle.
6要求我国各级国家机关树立尊重和保障人权的理念,Require state agencies at all levels to establish the concept of respecting and protecting human rights
7采取各种措施积极保护和促进人权。Take various measures to actively protect and promote human rights.
8近年来,我国经济建设取得重大成就,In recent years, my country's economic construction has made major achievements,
9全面改革取得重大突破,Major breakthroughs have been made in comprehensive reforms,
10民主法治建设迈出重大步伐,We have made great strides in building democracy and the rule of law,
11思想文化建设取得重大进展,Great progress has been made in Ideological and cultural construction,
12人民生活不断改善,生态文明建设成效显著,总体上实现了小康,People's living standards have been continuously improved, and remarkable achievements have been made in the construction of ecological civilization. On the whole, a well-off society has been achieved,
13社会生产能力在很多方面进入世界前列。Social productive capacity has entered the forefront of the world in many aspects.
14《国家人权行动计划(2016—2020年)》目录Contents of national human rights action plan (2016-2020)
16一、经济、社会和文化权利Economic, social and cultural rights
17(一)工作权利(1) Right to work
18(二)基本生活水准权利2) The right to a basic standard of living
19(三)社会保障权利(3) Social security rights
20(四)财产权利(Four )property rights
21(五)健康权利(5) Right to health
22(六)受教育权(6) The right to education
23(七)文化权利(7) Cultural rights
24(八)环境权利(8) Environmental rights
25二、公民权利和政治权利2. Civil and political rights
26(一)人身权利 Personal rights
27(二)获得公正审判的权利 The right to a fair trial
28(三)宗教信仰自由 Freedom of religious belief
29(四)知情权和参与权 The right to know and the right to participate
30(五)表达权和监督权 Right of expression and supervision
31三、特定群体权利 Rights of specific groups
32(一)少数民族权利 Rights of ethnic minorities
33(二)妇女权利Women's rights
34(三)儿童权利Children's rights
35(四)老年人权利Rights of the elderly
36(五)残疾人权利 Rights of persons with disabilities
37四、人权教育和研究Human rights education and research
38五、人权条约履行和国际交流合作Implementation of human rights treaties and international exchanges and cooperation
39六、实施和监督implementation and supervision
40《国家人权行动计划(2016-2020年)》及其五大目标National Human Rights Action Plan (2016-2020) and its five goals
♧活动园Activity Park
1.12月10日是世界人权日。December 10th is World Human Rights Day.
2在这一天,红领巾小学六(1)班以“人权保护在身边”为主题召开班会,On this day, Honglingjin Elementary School 6 (Class 1) held a class meeting with the theme of "Human rights protection is around.
3同学们列举了自己身边的人权保护事例。The students cited examples of human rights protection around them.
4请你对照《国家人权行动计划(2016—2020年)》目录,Please refer to the contents of the national human rights action plan (2016-2020),
5找一找他们说的分别是哪项人权,Find out which human rights they are talking about
6然后再说一说我们身边的人权保护事例。Then talk about the human rights protection cases around us
7我表姐今年上大学,她申请了国家助学贷款,不用担心学费问题了。My cousin went to university this year, and she applied for a national student loan without worrying about tuition.
8我家旁边新建了一个公共图书馆,周末我可以去那里读书。A new public library has been built next to my house, where I can read on weekends.
9我作为校报小记者,经常登录市政府的网站查询政府公布的要闻、动态。As a small reporter of the school newspaper, I often log on to the city government's website to inquire about news and developments announced by the government.
10我爷爷住的村子开始实施农村饮水安全巩固提升工程,The village where my grandfather lives began to implement the rural drinking water safety consolidation and improvement project
11现在自来水的水质好多了。The quality of tap water is much better now.
12在我的家乡西藏,很多学校都实行汉藏双语教学。In my hometown of Tibet, many schools implement Chinese-Tibetan bilingual education.
13在发生疫情时,国家依法对病人、疑似病人等进行必要的隔离。In the event of an epidemic, the state shall quarantine patients and suspected patients as necessary in accordance with the law
14国际人权事业的发展需要世界各国的共同参与。The development of the international human rights cause requires the participation of all countries in the world.
15目前,我国已经参加了20余项国际人权条约,At present, our country has participated in more than 20 international human rights treaties
16认真履行已参加的国际人权条约所规定的义务,Earnestly fulfill the obligations stipulated in the international human rights treaties that have participated in it,
17开展国际人权交流与合作,推动国际人权事业健康发展。Carry out international human rights exchanges and cooperation, and promote the healthy development of international human rights.
♧活动园Activity Park
1请用连线的方式把与下列公约对应的内容连起来。Please connect the content corresponding to the following conventions by way of connection.
2《儿童权利公约》Convention on the Rights of the Child
3《消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约》International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination
4《经济、社会及文化权利国际公约》"International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights"
5《男女工人同工同酬公约》Convention on Equal Remuneration for Men and Women Workers for Equal Work
6本公约缔约各国承认人人有权享受社会保障,包括社会保险。The States parties to this Convention recognize that everyone is entitled to social security, including social insurance.
7每个儿童有固有的生命权,各国应最大限度地确保儿童的生存与发展。Every child has an inherent right to life. Countries should maximize the survival and development of children.
8凡会员国,应通过与现行决定报酬率的方法相适应的各种手段,All Member States should adopt various means compatible with the current method of determining the rate of return
9促使并在与这种方法相一致的条件下保证男女工人同工同酬原则适用于全体工人。The principle of equal pay for equal work for men and women should be applied to all workers.
10承诺禁止并消除一切形式种族歧视,Commit to prohibit and eliminate all forms of racial discrimination,
11保证人人有不分种族、肤色或民族或人种在法律上一律平等的权利。It guarantees that everyone has the right to be equal in law regardless of race, color, nationality or ethnic origin.





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