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摘要: `
8我们受特殊保护We are under special protection
2我们是未成年人We are minors
3在我国,未满18周岁的公民为未成年人,18周岁以上的公民为成年人。In China, citizens under 18 years old are minors, and citizens over 18 years old are adults
5未成年人超过我国人口数量的五分之一。According to the sixth national population census in 2010, minors account for more than one fifth of China's population
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1在家长会上,家长们聊到未成年人的特殊之处,有这样一些看法。At the parents' meeting, parents talked about the special features of minors and had some views
2未成年人好奇心强,什么都想尝试一下。Minors are curious and want to try everything.
3未成年人的社会经验少,是非观正在形成中……Minors have little social experience, and their views on right and wrong are being formed
4你认同这些看法吗?说一说,与成年人相比,未成年人还有哪些特殊之处。Do you agree with these views? Let's talk about what's special about Minors compared with adults.
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1不同国家的法定成年年龄Age of majority in different countries
5世界各国的法律对成年年龄的规定是不同的,The age of majority in the laws of different countries is different,
3未满成年年龄的就属于未成年人。Those under the age of majority belong to minors.
4例如,英国、德国和法国的成年年龄是18周岁,In Britain, Germany and France, for example, the age of majority is 18,
5日本、瑞士的成年年龄是20周岁,In Japan and Switzerland, the adult age is 20
6奥地利和意大利的成年年龄则是21周岁。In Austria and Italy, the age of majority is 21
7很多法律规定都涉及具体年龄的节点,Many legal provisions are related to specific age nodes
8不同年龄阶段在法律上具有不同的意义。Different ages have different legal meanings
9有些法律规定达到一定的年龄才享有相应的权利,承担相应的义务或责任。Some laws stipulate that only when they reach a certain age can they enjoy corresponding rights and undertake corresponding obligations or responsibilities.
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1一些重要的年龄节点Some important age nodes
2年龄(周岁)  Age (one year old)   不同年龄在法律上的意义  The legal significance of different ages       法律依据
3 义务教育小学入学年龄Primary school entrance age of compulsory education
4《中华人民共和国义务教育法》第十一条Article 11 of the compulsory education law of the people's Republic of China
6无行为能力与限制行为能力的分界The boundary between incapacity and limited capacity
7《中华人民共和国民法总则》第十九、二十条Articles 19 and 20 of the general provisions of the civil law of the people's Republic of China
9准许在道路上驾驶自行车、三轮车的最低年龄Minimum age for driving bicycles and tricycles on the road
Article 72 of the regulations for the implementation of the road traffic safety law of the people's Republic of China
11因违法行为而可能受到刑法处罚的最低年龄The minimum age at which a person may be punished by criminal law for an illegal act
12《中华人民共和国刑法》第十七条Article 17 of the criminal law of the people's Republic of China
13因违法行为而可能受到行政法处罚的最低年龄The minimum age at which an illegal act may be punished by administrative law
14《中华人民共和国行政处罚法》第二十五条Article 25 of the law of the people's Republic of China on administrative penalty
16未成年人可以离开监护人单独居住Minors may live alone without their guardians
《中华人民共和国预防未成年人犯罪法》第十九条Article 19 of the law of the 17people's Republic of China on the prevention of juvenile delinquency
18符合条件的中国公民应当申请领取居民身份证Eligible Chinese citizens shall apply for resident identity cards
19《中华人民共和国居民身份证法》第二条Article 2 of the resident identity card law of the people's Republic of China
21公务员应当具备的最低年龄条件The minimum age requirement for civil servants
22《中华人民共和国公务员法》第十三条Article 13 of the civil servant law of the people's Republic of China
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1王阿姨的儿子今年12周岁,正在读小学六年级,平时学习比较紧张,Aunt Wang's son is 12 years old. He is in the sixth grade of primary school. He usually studies hard,
2王阿姨一点家务活也不让他做。Aunt Wang won't let him do any housework
3一天,和邻居刘律师聊天,王阿姨说等到儿子成年以后再让他做家务也不迟。One day, when chatting with neighbor Lawyer Liu, Aunt Wang said that it was not too late for her son to do housework until he came of age.
4对于12周岁的小学生是否有责任做家务的问题,As for whether 12-year-old pupils have the responsibility to do housework,
Lawyer Liu believes that although the 12-year-old primary school student is still under age, as a member of the family,We should also do our part and do what we can, such as cleaning the table, washing the dishes and taking out the garbage.
6也应尽一份贵任,做一些力所能及的事情,如擦桌子、刷碗、倒垃圾等。We should also do our part and do what we can, such as cleaning the table, washing the dishes and taking out the garbage.
7这样可以锻炼未成年人承担责任的能力,培养未成年人的责任意识。In this way, we can train minors' ability to take responsibility and cultivate their sense of responsibility.
Do you do housework at home? What do you think of minors doing housework?
1专门法律来保护It's protected by special laws
2为未成年人的健康成长提供法律保障,已成为我国法治建设的重要议题。Providing legal guarantee for the healthy growth of minors has become an important issue in the construction of the rule of law in China
3我国制定了专门的法律,以更有效地保护未成年人,China has formulated special laws to protect minors more effectively,
4促进未成年人身心健康发展。Promote the physical and mental health development of minors.
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1让我们一起了解专门为未成年人制定的法律—Let's learn about the laws specially made for minors
2《中华人民共和国义务教育法》Compulsory education law of the people's Republic of China
3《中华人民共和国未成年人保护法》Law of the people's Republic of China on the protection of minors
4和《中华人民共和国预防未成年人犯罪法》。And the law of the people's Republic of China on the prevention of juvenile delinquency.
5说一说:专门为末成年人制定这些法律有什么意义?Let's talk about it: what's the point of making these laws specifically for minors?
6为什么制定《中华人民共和国预防未成年人犯罪法》也是对未成年人的保护?Why is the formulation of the law of the people's Republic of China on the prevention of juvenile delinquency also the protection of minors?
7社会上有一部分违法犯罪分子把侵害对象直接指向未成年人。There are some criminals in the society who direct the infringement on minors.
Minors are related to the future of a country or the whole society.
10还有……Juvenile delinquency has become a serious social problem. And
11义务教育关乎中国教育事业的发展。Compulsory education is related to the development of China's education.
We will improve the quality of compulsory education in an all-round way,
It not only helps to promote educational equity,
It is also of great significance to the improvement of the quality of the whole nation and the rejuvenation of the nation
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1《中华人民共和国义务教育法》Compulsory education law of the people's Republic of China
In order to protect the right of school-age children and adolescents to receive compulsory education and ensure the implementation of compulsory education,
The law was passed in 1986 and has been amended three times
It emphasizes the concept of educational equity and educational balance,
It is an important feature of this law to pay attention to the education of vulnerable groups.
Publicity column of compulsory education law of the people's Republic of China
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1阅读《中华人民共和国义务教育法》,Read the compulsory education law of the people's Republic of China,
2判断下列关于我国义务教育的说法是否正确。Judge whether the following statement about compulsory education in China is correct
3说法正确的在括号里画“√”,说法不正确的在括号里画“×”,并尝试说一说理由。Mark "√" in brackets if the statement is correct, and mark "√" in brackets if the statement is incorrect“ ×”, And try to say why.
4实施义务教育,不收学费、杂费。The implementation of compulsory education, no tuition fees, miscellaneous fees
5义务教育是国家统一实施的所有适龄儿童、少年必须接受的教育,Compulsory education is the education that all school-age children and teenagers must receive, which is implemented uniformly by the state. It is a public welfare undertaking that the state must guarantee.
6是国家必须予以保障的公益性事业。It is a public welfare undertaking that the state must guarantee
7凡具有中华人民共和国国籍的适龄儿童、少年,All school-age children and juveniles with the nationality of the people's Republic of China,
8不分性别、民族、种族、家庭财产状况、宗教信仰等,Regardless of gender, nationality, race, family property, religious belief, etc
9依法享有平等接受义务教育的权利,并履行接受义务教育的义务。According to law, they have the right to receive compulsory education on an equal basis and fulfill their obligations.
10适龄儿童、少年因疾病或者特殊情况,Due to illness or special circumstances,
11需要延缓入学或者免予入学的,If it is necessary to postpone or exempt admission,
12由儿童、少年的父母或者其他监护人自行根据情况决定。If it is necessary to postpone or exempt admission,
In recent years, the infringement of the rights and interests of minors has occurred from time to time
14这些事件在拷问社会道德的同时,也暴露出未成年人权利保护方面存在的一系列问题。These incidents not only torture social morality, but also expose a series of problems in the protection of minors' rights.
15这些问题已经引起社会的普遍关注。 These problems have caused widespread concern in society.
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1《中华人民共和国未成年人保护法》Law of the people's Republic of China on the protection of minors
It is the first law to protect the legal rights of minors
3这部法律于1991年通过,The law was passed in 1991,
4经过两次修正,明确了对未成年人的家庭保护、学校保护、社会保护和司法保护。The law was passed in 1991,
The law provides a better legal guarantee for the healthy growth of minors,
It reflects the state's care and love for minors.
The staff of the judicial office explained to the students the law of the people's Republic of China on the protection of minors
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Study the law of the people's Republic of China on the protection of minors in groups and discuss the following issues
What are the main provisions of the law of the people's Republic of China on the protection of minors?
3 结合你的生活实际,说说你认为家庭、学校和社会在保护未成年人方面 还存在哪些问题。Combined with your actual life, what problems do you think exist in the protection of minors in family, school and society.
4 保护未成年人,是国家机关、武装力量、政党、社会团体、企 业事业组织、城乡基层群众性自治组织、未成年人的监护人和其他 成年公民的共同责任。只有家庭、学校、社会、国家各司其职,才 能全方位保护未成年人 Protecting minors is the common responsibility of state organs, armed forces, political parties, social organizations, enterprises and institutions, urban and rural grassroots mass autonomous organizations, guardians of minors and other adult citizens. Only when family, school, society and the state perform their respective duties, can they protect minors in an all-round way
1从世界范围看,From a global perspective,
Juvenile delinquency has shown the characteristics of low age, intelligent means, increasing gang and violent crimes. We should effectively prevent juvenile delinquency,
The key is to gather the strength of the whole society and create a good environment conducive to the healthy growth of minors.
As a minor, we should form a good habit of abiding by the law,
Knowing and abiding by the law, we should remember "don't do evil in a small way, and don't do good in a small way.".
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The law of the people's Republic of China on the prevention of juvenile delinquency is formulated to protect the physical and mental health of minors, foster their good conduct and effectively prevent juvenile delinquency.
The law was passed in 1990 and amended in 2012.

The law specifies the responsibilities of education, administration, judicial departments at all levels and other social organizations and families in the prevention of juvenile delinquency.
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According to a white paper on juvenile procuratorial work published by a province in 2019,
The main types of juvenile delinquency in 2018 are as follows:
3■盗窃罪22.25%Theft 22.25%
4■抢劫罪18.92%Robbery 18.92
5■寻衅滋事罪14.98%■ 14.98% for affray crime
6■故意伤害罪12.91%Crime of intentional injury 12.91%
7聚众斗殴罪5.62%Crime of affray 5.62%
8其他犯罪25.32%Other crimes 25.32%
9认真阅读、分析饼状图,Read and analyze the pie chart carefully,
我的建议This paper tries to put forward some suggestions on the prevention of juvenile delinquency from the perspective of minors. My suggestion
1特殊关爱  助我成长Special care helps me grow up
2少年兴则中国兴,少年强则中国强。If the youth is prosperous, China will be prosperous, and if the youth is strong, China will be strong. It is the common responsibility of the whole society to create a good social environment for minors.
3为未成年人创造良好的社会环境,是全社会共同的责任。It is the common responsibility of the whole society to create a good social environment for minors. In our country, families, schools and the whole society give children many special opportunities in the process of their growth
4在我国,家庭、学校以及整个社会在未成年人成长过程中都给子了许多特别关怀。In our country, families, schools and the whole society give children a lot of special care in the process of their growth.
5国际社会也一直致力于对未成年人的保护。The international community has also been committed to the protection of minors
7父母作为未成年人的法定监护人,有管教和保护未成年子女的权利和义务。作为未成年人,应听从父母的教导,孝敬父母。Family is not only the basic unit of society, but also the main place for minors to live and grow up. As legal guardians of minors, parents have the right and obligation to discipline and protect their children. As a minor, he should obey his parents' instruction and be filial to them.
8子女在成年后,还有赡养扶助父母的义务。When a child reaches adulthood, he still has the obligation to support his parents.
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2016年国际家庭日到来时,In 1993, the general assembly of the United Nations adopted a resolution declaring May 15 as the international day of the family to raise the international community's awareness of the importance of the family and promote the harmony, happiness and progress of the family. When the international family day comes in 2016,
In his speech, the Secretary General of the United Nations fully expressed the role of family in the growth of minors
Promote a favorable family environment through policies and laws, and advocate positive education for children,
It is helpful for families to raise healthy and happy children and make them grow up to be valued and promising adults.
Recall what kind of love you felt from your family when you were growing up.
Tell the story that you feel most deeply and express your feeling.
Parents should pay attention to the physical and psychological conditions and behavior habits of minors,未成年人的生理、心理状况和行为习惯,
Behavior habits,
Educate adults with healthy thoughts and appropriate methods
Guide minors to carry out activities beneficial to physical and mental health
In a society ruled by law, domestic violence is not allowed.
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♧ knowledge window most countries and regions in the world have incorporated the suppression of domestic violence into the legal process.
In 2015, China enacted the anti domestic violence law of the people's Republic of China,
It was officially implemented in March 2016.
According to the law, the guardians of adults should conduct family education in a civilized way,
They shall perform their duties of guardianship and education according to law and shall not commit domestic violence
Family members' physical and mental violations, such as beating, maiming, restricting personal freedom, frequent abuse and intimidation, are all family violence.
Publicity cartoon of anti domestic violence law of the people's Republic of China
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Convention on the rights of the child
On November 20, 1989, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Convention on the rights of the child,
It aims to create a good environment for the growth of children all over the world
The Convention defines "child" as anyone who is not 18 years old,
5而我国通常用“未成年人”的概念指代这一群体。In China, the concept of "minors" is commonly used to refer to this group
The Convention on the rights of the child is the first international convention that specifically protects the rights of children and has legal binding force. It states that all children should be given the rights of survival, protection, development and participation
Introduction of the Convention on the rights of the child on the Chinese website of the United Nations Children's Fund
As of 2017, there are 196 States parties to the Convention,
9是联合国所有人权条约中约国最多的一个。It has the largest number of treaties among all human rights treaties of the United Nations.
10我国政府于1992年批准了《儿童权利公约》。Our government ratified the Convention on the rights of the child in 1992.
On April 1, 1992, the Convention on the rights of the child entered into force in China.
12一个社会对未成年人的态度,可以反映出它的文明程度。The attitude of a society towards minors can reflect its civilization.
The whole society should set up a good fashion of respecting, protecting and educating minors, and care for them.
The school organizes students to carry out "fire escape" on-site exercise
On the first day of school, the traffic police went to the school to explain the traffic safety knowledge
When visiting museums, memorials, parks and other places, minors can enjoy free or preferential fares. Warning signs are posted at the entrance of Internet cafes to prohibit minors from entering
Sharing things together: in the process of your growth, what special care did you feel from all walks of life?
With the development of China's economy and society and the advancement of industrialization and urbanization,
With the development of China's economy and society as well as the advancement of industrialization and urbanization, many rural labor force go out to work and start businesses.
20在此过程中,一些人选择将未成年子女留在家乡交由他人监护照料,导致大量农村留守儿童出现。In this process, some people choose to leave their minor children in their hometown for others to take care of, resulting in a large number of rural left behind children.
21近年来发生的多起农村留守儿童受到侵害的事件,引起了全社会对这一特殊的未成年人群体的广泛关注。In recent years, many cases of left behind children in rural areas have been violated, which has aroused the wide attention of the whole society to this special group of minors.

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6周岁的未成年人。Left behind children refer to the juveniles whose parents are working outside or one of them is working outside, and the other has no guardianship ability and is under 6 years old.
2截至2018年,全国共有留守儿童697万余人,与2016年全国摸底排查数据90As of 2018, there are more than 6.97 million left behind children in China, which is 90% higher than that of 20162万余人相比,总体数量下降22.7%。
Compared with more than 20000 people, the overall number decreased by 22.7%
Age structure of rural left behind children
The situation of left behind children in rural areas
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1父母不在身边,生活缺Parents are not around, life is lack of care, learning is lack of guidance, no one to tell their worries少照料,学习缺乏引导,心事无人诉说……
Many rural left behind children are suffering from material and spiritual poverty.
Please discuss in groups with the theme of "left behind children"
4留守儿童在成长中还可能面临哪些问题?What problems are left behind children likely to face in their growth?
5就如何更好地关心、帮助留守儿童提出建议。Suggestions on how to better care for and help left behind children are put forward
Caring and protecting rural left behind children is not only related to the healthy growth of minors, family happiness and social harmony, but also related to the sustainable and coordinated development of rural economy and society.
To create a good environment for the healthy growth of rural left behind children and safeguard their legitimate rights and interests is an important responsibility of governments at all levels, as well as the common responsibility of families and the whole society.





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