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Unit 2第二单元
4 The Earth - Our home4 地球-我们的家园
1.Our home我们生存的家园
2.In the vast universe, there is a blue planet that nurtures life, and that is our lovely home - the Earth.在茫茫宇宙中,有一颗孕育生命的蓝色星球,那就是我们可爱的家园-地球。
3.The Earth provides the space, environment, and resources needed for human life.地球为人类生活提供了所需要的空间、环境和资源等。
Activity Garden活动园
4.If we left the Earth, would we be able to survive?假如离开地球,人类还能生存吗?
5.There are countless planets in the universe.宇宙空间很大,那里有数不清的星球。
6.If the Earth's environment deteriorates and its resources are depleted, can we move to other planets?如果地球环境恶化、资源枯竭,我们能不能移居到其他星球上去?
7.Can we use high technology to create a living space as suitable for human habitation as the Earth?我们能不能利用高科技手段,创造出一个像地球一样适合人类居住的生存空间呢?
8.Can you answer these questions after reading the following information?读了下面的资料,你能回答这些问题吗?
9.In the 1980s, the United States built a "Biosphere 2" that simulates the Earth's ecosystem. 20世纪80年代,美国曾建成一个模拟地球生态系统的“生物圈2号”。
10.Eight researchers planned to live in this closed system for two years, to explore the future of human landing on other planets to establish habitats.八名科研人员计划在这个封闭的系统中生活两年,为今后人类登陆其他星球建立居住地进行探索。
11.More than a year later, the Biosphere 2 experiment was declared a failure.一年多以后,“生物圈2号”实验宣告失败。
12.The Earth has nurtured humans and provided the natural environment for human survival. Since ancient times, humans have been living in harmony with nature in their own unique way.地球孕育了人类,提供了人类生存的自然环境。自古以来,人类就在用自己特有的方式与自然和谐相处。
Activity Garden活动园
1.Please choose one of the examples in the picture below and tell us how people in the picture live in harmony with nature.请选择下图中的一个案例,说一说图中的人们是怎样与自然和谐相处的。
2.People live in houses and houses swim in water.人在屋中居,屋在水中游
3.Small bridges and flowing water homes built by rivers and pillowed by water can be found everywhere in Wuzhen, Zhejiang Province, China.中国浙江乌镇随处可见依河而建、枕水而居的小桥流水人家。
4.The Inuit in the Arctic region use ice bricks to build igloos to protect themselves from snow and cold.因地制宜,就地取材北极地区的因纽特人用冰砖垒砌防风雪、御严寒的冰屋。
5.Forest, village, terraces and water system森林-村寨-梯田一水系
The villages of the Hani people in China are usually built halfway up a mountain, and the slopes above the villages are covered with forests that support water, while the slopes below the villages are densely covered with terraced fields.中国哈尼族人的村寨一般建在半山腰,村寨上面的山坡分布着涵养水源的森林,村寨下面的山坡密布着梯田
6.The earth is a wonderful home for human beings and nature is our mother.。地球是人类美好的家园,大自然是我们的母亲。
7.She produces enough food to feed our hunger; she gives us rich earth and forests to build houses; 
8.sheep on the pastures, flax fields with blue flowers and Chinese mulberry weaving keep mankind safe from the heat and cold.她奉献丰富的土石和森林,供我们建房造屋;那牧场上的羊群、蓝花盛开的亚麻田和中国的桑蚕编织物,让人类抵挡住酷暑严寒。
9.-[U.S.] Fann Wong, "Fann Wong's Geography-[美]房龙《房龙地理》
Environmental problems sound the alarm环境问题敲响了警钟
10.In recent centuries, as population growth and human needs have increased, the earth has become increasingly overburdened. 近百年来,随着人口的增长和人类需求的增加,地球越来越不堪重负。
11.Forests, lakes and wetlands on which living things depend are decreasing at an alarming rate;生物赖以生存的森林、湖泊、湿地等正以惊人的速度减少;
12.non-renewable energy sources such as coal, oil and natural gas are facing depletion due to over-exploitation; 煤炭、石油、天然气等非可再生能源因过度开采而面临枯竭;
13.the burning of fossil fuels emits large amounts of greenhouse gases exacerbating global warming ------化石燃料燃烧排放大量的温室气体加剧全球气候变暖······
14.The earth is experiencing problems such as resource shortage, environmental pollution and ecological damage.地球出现了资源短缺、环境污染和生态破坏等问题。
Activity Garden活动园
1.Which aspects of environmental problems are reflected in the pictures below?下面的图片分别反映了哪方面的环境问题?
2.Find relevant information and tell us what harm these environmental problems can cause.查找相关资料,说说这些环境问题会带来哪些危害。
3.Emissions from coal-fired power plants燃煤电厂排放废气
4.Large oil spills in the ocean海洋上大面积的石油泄漏
5.Destruction of tropical rainforests热带雨林遭受破坏
6.Rising sea levels海平面上升
7.Silent expansion of desert areas沙漠面积悄然扩大
Active gardens活动园
1.In the 1950s, a Japanese fertilizer company discharged untreated wastewater into the bay.20世纪50年代,日本一家肥料公司把没有经过处理的废水排到了海湾中。
2.The wastewater contained mercury, which is harmful to humans, and not only seriously polluted the seawater and fish, but also poisoned the people and animals that consumed the fish.这些废水里含有对人体有害的汞,不仅严重污染了海水和鱼类,也使食用鱼类的人和动物中毒。
3.The first to get sick were the cats who loved fish, and after being poisoned, they went crazy and had spasms, jumping into the sea to commit suicide.最先发病的是爱吃鱼的猫,中毒后的猫发疯痉挛,纷纷跳海自杀。
Within a few years, even the cats in Minamata (yǔ) Bay area were gone.没过几年,水俣(yǔ)湾地区连猫的踪影都不见了。
4.Later, people who were poisoned also began to develop symptoms similar to those of cats.后来,中毒的人也开始发病,与猫发病的症状相似。
5.Because the cause of the disease was unclear at the beginning, people named the disease "Mizuhou disease" after the local name.因为开始时病因不清,人们就用当地地名把这种病命名为“水侯病”。
6.What does the Mizuho disease incident in Japan tell us?日本的水保病事件告诉我们什么?
7.Referring to the diagram below, please explain your understanding of environmental issues.请参照下面的图示,说一说你对环境问题的理解。
8.Human discharge of untreated wastewater人类排放未处理的废水
9.Sea water pollution海水污染
10.Fish and shrimp poisoning鱼虾中毒
11.Human diseases人类染病
12.Choose some aspect of the environmental problem, consult the information, and talk about the harm it causes.选择某个方面的环境问题,查阅资料,说说其带来的危害。
13.Then, try to draw a similar diagram, following the case of Minamata disease.然后,仿照水俣病的案例,试着画出类似的图示。
14.Based on the information you have collected about human misbehavior that damages the earth's environment, write a paragraph or draw a cartoon expressing criticism of these behaviors in the voice of the earth.根据自己收集的人类不当行为损害地球环境的资料,以地球的口吻,写一段文字或画一幅漫画,表达对这些行为的批评。
15.If human beings cannot respect nature and destroy the silently dedicated Earth at will, they will certainly如果人类不能尊重自然,随意破坏默默奉献的地球,就必然会
16.be punished by nature.受到大自然的惩罚。
17.Our common responsibility我们共同的责任
18.In order to protect the earth more effectively and achieve sustainable development, countries around the world have signed agreements and enacted laws to limit the harm humans can do to the earth.为了更有效地保护地球,实现可持续发展,世界各国通过签订协定、制定法律等方式来限制人类对地球的伤害。
19.China has made environmental protection a basic national policy.我国把环境保护列为基本国策。
20.In order to arrange global action to address climate change after 2020, nearly 200 parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change unanimously adopted the Paris Agreement at the Paris Climate Change Conference in December 2015.为了安排2020年后全球应对气候变化的行动,2015年12月,《联合国气候变化框架公约》近200个缔约方在巴黎气候变化大会上一致通过《巴黎协定》。
21.on April 22, 2016. 175 countries signed the Paris Agreement。 on November 4, 2016,the Paris Agreement officially entered into force. 2016年4月22日,175个国家签署《巴黎协定》。2016年11月4日,《巴黎协定》正式生效。
22.Paris Agreement Signing Ceremony at UN Headquarters联合国总部举行《巴黎协定》签署仪式
Reading Corner阅读角
1.Revised Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China
2.In order to protect and improve the environment, prevent and control pollution and other public hazards, protect public health, promote ecological civilization, and facilitate sustainable economic and social development, the revised Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China came into effect on January 1, 2015.为保护和改善环境,防治污染和其他公害,保障公众健康,推进生态文明建设,促进经济社会可持续发展,修订后的《中华人民共和国环境保护法》于2015年1月1日起施行。
3.Some studies have pointed out that the new environmental protection law has been effective since its implementation, all major environmental management systems and important legal measures have been effectively observed and implemented, and the public is generally satisfied with the implementation effect of the new law. 有研究指出,新环保法实施以来效果明显,各项主要环境管理制度和重要法律措施得到了有效遵守和执行,公众对新法的实施效果总体比较满意。
4.Breakthroughs have been made in the implementation of some important environmental legal systems.一些重要环境法律制度的落实取得了突破性进展。
5.Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国环境保护法
6.Cover of the Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China《中华人民共和国环境保护法》封面
7.What other agreements or regulations do you know about protecting the earth?你还知道哪些关于保护地球的协定或者法规?
8.Man and nature are a community of life.人与自然是生命共同体。
9.It is an irresistible law that the harm humans do to nature will eventually endanger humans themselves.人类对大自然的伤害最终会危及人类自身,这是无法抗拒的规律。
10.In order to protect the earth's home, human beings are constantly exploring and innovating, using their ingenuity to combine the clean energy given by nature to human beings with modern high technology, and vigorously developing a circular economy to achieve sustainable development.为了保护地球家园,人类不断探索创新,运用聪明才智,将自然界赋予人类的清洁能源与现代高科技相结合,大力发展循环经济,实现可持续发展。
Circular economy: including the cleanliness of products, production, recycling of resources and efficient recycling of waste. 循环经济:包括产品的清洁、生产、资源的循环利用和废物的高效回收。
11.Clean energy: The development and utilization of clean energy such as solar energy, wind energy, water energy and bio-energy are getting more and more attention.清洁能源:太阳能、风能、水能、生物能等清洁能源的开发和利用越来越受到重视。
12.Why is the medal of Rio Olympic Games the most environmentally friendly medal in the past Olympic Games? Go to understand it.为什么说里约奥运会奖牌为历届奥运会中最环保的奖牌?去了解一下吧。
13.Rio Olympic medals里约奥运会奖牌
Activity Park活动园
1.Do you know what are the characteristics of the following new energy sources?你知道下面这些新能源有什么特点吗?
2.What is the significance of using new energy sources instead of fossil fuels to protect the environment?人类使用新能源替代化石燃料对保护环境有什么意义?
3.Solar power generation太阳能发电
4.Sea wave power海浪发电
5.Wind power风能发电
6.Geothermal power generation地热发电
7.It is everyone's duty to protect the environment, so let's take action to make the sky bluer, mountains greener and water clearer.保护环境是每个人应尽的义务,让我们行动起来,让天更蓝、山更绿、水更清。
8.In order to protect the earth's home, people have established many environmental protection holidays:为了保护地球家园,人们设立了很多保护环境的节日:
9.for example, February 2 is "World Wetlands Day", April 22 is "World Earth Day", 4月22日是“世界地球日”,
10.and June 5 is "World Environment Day".如2月2日是“世界湿地日”,
11."June 5 is World Environment Day. . . . . .
6月5日是“世界环境日”。 . . . . .
12.World Earth世界地球
13.What other days do you know that are related to protecting the Earth?你还知道哪些与保护地球有关的日子?
14.What can we do on these days?
Activity Garden活动园
1.What can we as elementary school students do to protect the Earth, on which we depend for our survival?保护人类赖以生存的地球,我们小学生能做些什么呢?
2.We may be young, but we can do something to protect the Earth!我们年纪虽小,但为保护地球我们也可以有所作为!
3.We can promote the benefits of waste separation and do it in our own homes.我们可以宣传垃圾分类的好处,在自己家里做好垃圾分类。
4.I invented a water-saving device that can save a lot of water at home.我发明了一个节水装置,可以给家里节省不少水。
5.I take the bus to and from school every day.我每天乘公交车上下学。
Besides the above, what else can we do to help protect the earth?除了上面这些,我们小学生还可以为保护地球做些什么?
Activity Garden活动园

1.Little Environmental Observer小小环境观察员
2.Research the environmental problems you find in your life, make suggestions for improvement, and work with your classmates to develop a class environmental pact to protect the earth.围绕生活中你发现的环境问题展开研究,提出改善的建议,并和同学们一起制订保护地球的班级环保公约。
3."Suggestions for "Keeping hammocks away from small trees
4.The problem I found: On the weekend, I went to the forest park with my friends to play.我发现的问题:周末,我和小伙伴一起到森林公园去玩。
5.The park was very lively, with many people running and flying kites.公园里可真热闹,许多人在公园里跑步锻炼、放风筝。
6.However, we also found that some adults tied their hammocks to the small trees that had not yet grown up.可是我们还发现,有些成年人把吊床拴在还未长大的小树上。
7.As the hammocks swayed, the trees swayed around.随着吊床的晃动,小树也晃来晃去。
8.As we got closer, we saw that the bark of some of the trees had been broken.我们走近仔细察看,有些小树的树皮都被勒破了
9.My analysis: The bark plays a big role, in addition to protecting the trunk from trauma and preventing pests and diseases, it is also responsible for transporting nutrients.我的分析:树皮的作用很大,除了保护树干免受创伤、预防病虫害外,还负责输送营养物质。

My suggestion: 1. Set up prominent signs in the park to remind people to "keep hammocks away from small trees".我的建议:1.在公园设置醒目的告示牌,以提醒大家“让吊床远离小树”。
2. Add some simple stakes in the tenting area to facilitate visitors to tie the hammocks.2.在帐篷搭设区域内增设一些简易的木桩,方便游人绑吊床。
3. Strengthen the park patrol to remind the offending visitors at any time.3.加强公园巡视的力度,随时提醒违规游人。





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