陈雷英语 门户 道德与法治 六年级下册 查看内容


2021-6-10 15:47| 发布者: admin| 查看: 24| 评论: 0

摘要: `
5 Responding to natural disasters5 应对自然灾害
1.How much do we know about natural disasters in China?我国自然灾害知多少
2.China is one of the countries that suffer most from natural disasters in the world.我国是世界上遭受自然灾害最严重的国家之一,
3.The main natural disasters include droughts, typhoons, floods, earthquakes, landslides, mudslides, and pests and diseases.主要的自然灾害有旱灾、台风、洪涝、地震、滑坡、泥石流和病虫害等。
4,From the chart, I see that there are many kinds of natural disasters in China and the cloth is wide. 从图中,我看到我国的自然灾害种类多、布广。
5.Reading the chart carefully, I found that the natural disasters that have the widest impact on our country are - . . . . . . 仔细读图,我发现对我国影响范围最广的自然灾害是··. . . . . .
6.From the graph, I see. . . . . .从图中,我看到。。 . . . . .
What natural disasters have struck China in recent years?近几年,我国遭遇过哪些自然灾害?
7.Natural disasters not only cause damage to resources, direct economic losses and casualties, but also bring about various indirect losses, which can even affect social stability and sustainable development.
8.Most areas in Yunnan have suffered from severe drought, with no rainfall for a long time, rivers cut off and lakes dried up.云南大部分地区曾遭受严重的干旱,很长时间没有降雨,河流断流,湖泊干涸。
9.Gansu had a huge mudslide disaster, which caused many casualties.
10.The southern part of China had a serious cold wave and ice disaster, which caused frostbite or freezing death of crops, icy highways and insufficient supply of coal and electricity, which seriously affected people's life.我国南方曾发生严重的寒潮冰雪灾害,造成农作物冻伤或冻死,高速公路结冰,煤电供应不足,严重影响了人们的生活。
Activity Garden活动园
1.Read the following statistical chart carefully, what do you find? 认真阅读下面的统计图,你有什么发现? 
2.Which natural disasters caused more damage in China? 我国哪些自然灾害造成的损失比较大?
3.Percentage of direct economic losses caused by major natural disasters in China in 2016。2016年中国主要自然灾害造成的直接经济损失的比例

4.Collect the relevant data on the economic losses caused by major natural disasters in China in recent years, and then tell us how you feel. 收集近年来我国主要自然灾害造成经济损失的相关数据,然后说一说自己的感受。

5.In addition to natural causes, unreasonable human behavior in production and life can also induce or aggravate natural disasters.
Activity Garden活动园
1.Zhou Fan's hometown used to have a large area of forest, but in the last decade people have been cutting it down indiscriminately to get more land for farming.周凡的家乡原本有成片的森林,近十年来人们为了获得更多耕地而乱砍滥伐。
2.Zhou Fan and his classmates collected a lot of information and found that the natural disasters such as floods, landslides and mudslides that occurred in his hometown in recent years were closely related to indiscriminate logging.周凡和同学们收集了许多信息,发现最近几年家乡频发的洪涝、滑坡、泥石流等自然灾害与乱砍滥伐密切相关。

3.When forests are destroyed, they cannot contain water and are prone to flooding.森林被破坏,无法涵养水源,易造成洪涝灾害。
4.When forests are destroyed, soil erosion increases and landslides are easily caused.森林被破坏,水土流失加重,易引发山体滑坡。
5.What do you think about the problem of natural disasters caused by indiscriminate logging?你怎么看待乱砍滥伐引发自然灾害这一问题?
6.What other irrational human actions may人类还有哪些不合理的行为可能
7.induce or aggravate natural disasters?诱发或加重自然灾害?
8.What are the effects of human behavior on the natural environment?人类的行为对自然环境有哪些影响?
9.Let's test it through a small experiment.让我们通过一个小实验来验证一下。
10.Why is the color of the water different when the same amount of water is poured on the "grass" and the "yellow land"?在“草地”和“黄土地”上浇灌同样多的清水,流出的水的颜色为什么不一样?
11.Think about the impact on the local ecological environment if people reclaim the grass on a large scale.想一想,如果人们大规模开垦草地,会对当地的生态环境造成什么影响。

12.Preventing Natural Disasters防御自然灾害
13.By having the knowledge and ability to prevent and protect yourself from natural disasters, you can prevent the occurrence of natural disasters and reduce the damage caused by them.具备防灾避险的意识、自救自护的知识和能力,可以预防自然灾害的发生,减轻其带来的损失。
Activity Park活动园
Do you have an awareness of risk avoidance?你有避险意识吗?
1.Read the following pictures and words carefully. Which practices are wrong?仔细阅读下面的图片与文字,你认为哪些做法是正确的?哪些做法是错误的?
2.For the wrong actions, tell us what is wrong and what should be done.对于错误的行为,说一说错在哪里,应该怎么做。
3.Taking shelter under a large tree during a thunderstorm.雷雨交加时,在大树下避雨。
4.When camping in mountainous areas with high incidence of flash floods and mudslides, choose to camp in valleys.山区山洪、泥石流的高发期,在山区露营时,选择在山谷扎营。
5.When an earthquake occurs, if conditions allow, evacuate to a safe and open area in a timely and orderly manner; if you cannot evacuate in time, temporarily hide in the corner of a small open room and protect your head.当地震发生时,如果条件允许,及时、有序地撤到安全空旷的地带;如果不能及时撤离,暂时躲在小开间的墙角,护住头部。
6.When a mudslide occurs, run up the hill perpendicular to the direction of the flow of the mudslide.当泥石流发生时,向垂直于泥石流流动方向的山坡上跑。
Activity Garden活动园
1.Let's draw a campus escape map.让我们来画一幅校园逃生图。
2.-First, get a campus plan for reference.·先找来校园平面图,作为参考。
4.-Then, work with your group to investigate and design a legend based on the results of the survey, and make labels on the map.
5.-Finally, mark the reasonable escape routes on the map.·最后,将合理的逃生路线标注在图上。
6.In order to reduce the danger caused by natural disasters to people's lives and properties, China has not only established monitoring and early warning systems for meteorological, marine, geological and biological disasters, but also built solid disaster prevention and mitigation projects.

Reading Corner阅读角
1.Common Natural Disaster Warning Information常见的自然灾害预警信息
2.The Measures for Issuing and Disseminating Meteorological Disaster Warning Signals announced by the China Meteorological Administration on June 11, 2007, stipulates the warning signals for various types of meteorological disasters. 2007年6月11日,中国气象局公布的《气象灾害预警信号发布与传播办法》对各类气象灾害预警信号进行了规定。
3.The level of warning signals is generally divided into four levels according to the degree of danger, urgency and development of the meteorological disaster:预警信号的级别依据气象灾害可能造成的危害程度、紧急程度和发展态势一般划分为四级:
3.general, serious, severe and especially serious, which are indicated by blue, yellow, orange and red in order, and are also marked in Chinese and English.一般、较重、严重和特别严重,依次用蓝色、黄色、橙色和红色表示,同时以中英文标识。
5.What natural disaster monitoring and warning systems have you come into contact with in your life?你在生活中接触过哪些自然灾害监测、预警系统?
6.What did you and your family do when you received these early warning messages?当你接收到这些预警信息时,你和家人是如何做的?
7.In the face of natural disasters, people are constantly searching for scientific and effective ways to combat them and thus improve their resilience.面对自然灾害,人们不断探寻科学、有效的方法抗击灾害,从而提高抗灾能力。
8.The successful launch of China's "Fengyun-4" meteorological satellite has helped improve the country's ability to monitor and warn of weather disasters.我国“风云四号”气象卫星的成功发射,有助于提升国家对灾害天气的监控和预警能力。
9.In order to prevent flooding, many flood control dams have been built in China.为了防止洪水泛滥,我国修建了很多防洪堤坝。
Activity Park活动园
1.In order to defend against natural disasters, scientists are constantly researching and inventing various anti-disaster technologies.为了防御自然灾害,科技工作者正在不断研究、发明各种抗灾技术。
2.Go investigate and record the technologies or inventions you learn about for a class-wide exchange activity.去调查一下,将你了解到的技术或发明记录下来,在全班开展一次交流活动。
3.Cars are equipped with spring shock absorbers so that we can feel more comfortable when we sit in them.汽车里装有弹簧减震器,这样我们坐在汽车里就会感觉舒适一些。
4.Now, people have used spring shock absorbers in buildings in earthquake-prone areas to slow down the damage to buildings.现在,人们已把弹簧减震器用在了地震多发地区的建筑里,减缓地震对建筑物的破坏。
5.In the process of natural disaster defense, law is an important tool to restrain people's behavior and reduce the harm of natural disasters.在人类防御自然灾害的过程中,法律是约束人们的行为、减少自然灾害危害的重要手段。
Related Links相关链接
1.Article 37 of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Flood Control《中华人民共和国防洪法》第三十七条

2.No unit or individual shall damage, encroach upon, or destroy flood control projects such as reservoir dams, embankments, sluices, berms, pumping stations, drainage systems, and hydrological and communication facilities, as well as spare equipment and materials for flood control.任何单位和个人不得破坏、侵占、毁损水库大坝、堤防、水闸、护岸、抽水站、排水渠系等防洪工程和水文、通信设施以及防汛备用的器材、物料等。
3.The indomitable spirit of disaster resistance不屈的抗灾精神
4.Natural disasters are always with human life, and humans have been struggling with natural disasters. It is in this process that the indomitable spirit of unity and solidarity has been formed.
Activity Park活动园
1.When a major natural disaster occurs, people all over the country respond to the disaster together with the spirit of "support from all sides when one side is in trouble". In the process of disaster relief, many touching images were left behind.重大自然灾害发生后,全国人民发扬“一方有难,八方支援”的精神共同应对灾难。
2.People's Liberation Army (PLA) and armed police officers and soldiers went to the disaster area day and night, fighting hard to save lives.在抗灾救灾过程中,留下了许多感人的画面。
3.Officers and soldiers risked aftershocks to form a lifeline, taking turns to lift the survivors who were fixed on simple stretchers until they got out of danger safely.官兵们冒着余震的危险,组成一条生命通道,轮流托举着被固定在简易担架上的幸存者,直至其平安脱险。
4.Rescue workers with persistent faith and touching love to save lives, creating a miracle beyond the physiological limits of human life.救援人员以执着的信念和令人感动的爱,拯救生命,创造出一个个超越生理极限的人间奇迹。
5.Batches of relief supplies, donations, bags of blood, the national people's concern for the people in the disaster area, so that the people feel the warmth and strength.一批批救灾物资、一笔笔捐款、一袋袋血液,凝聚着全国人民对灾区人民的牵挂,让灾区人民感受到了温暖和力量。
6.When a major natural disaster occurs, what images in the media reports have left a deep impression on you?
Activity Park活动园
1.According to the white paper "China's Disaster Reduction Actions", after the Wenchuan earthquake, more than 3 million volunteers from home and abroad went into the disaster area, and more than 10 million volunteers participated in the earthquake relief in the back.《中国的减灾行动》白皮书称,汶川地震发生后,深入灾区的国内外志愿者超过300万人,在后方参与抗震救灾的志愿者超过1000万人。
2.Let's tell some of the singable stories that emerged from the disaster relief.让我们来讲讲救灾中出现的可歌可泣的故事吧。
3.During the Wenchuan earthquake, 13 volunteers from Tangshan came to the disaster area and kept searching for survivors by the simplest methods - hammer smashing, steel brazing and hands creating.汶川地震时,唐山13名志愿者来到灾区,用最简单的方法-铁锤砸、钢钎撬、双手创,不断寻找幸存者。
3.Together with the People's Liberation Army and the armed police, they rescued 25 survivors and plowed out the remains of nearly 60 victims.他们与解放军、武警战士一起,救出25名幸存者,刨出近60具遇难者遗体。
4.In Beichuan County, the worst disaster, there was a survivor who crawled out of the rubble and lost 15 relatives in this earthquake. He held on to his grief and insisted on saving people and plowed out 10 survivors from the rubble.在灾情最严重的北川县,有一名从废墟里爬出来的幸存者,在这次地震中失去了15个亲人,他强忍着悲痛,坚持救人,从废墟里刨出10名幸存者。
5.One day at noon, an old man with white hair and ragged clothes came to a fundraising site.一天中午,一个募捐点来了一位头发花白、衣衫褴褛的老人。
6.He looked at the propaganda board for a while, took five yuan out of his pocket with trembling hands, put it into the collection box and recited: "For the people in the disaster area - . . . . . "他在宣传牌前看了一会儿,双手颤抖地从口袋里掏出五元钱,放进募捐箱,念叨了一句:“为灾区人民·. . . . . ”
7.In the afternoon, the old man appeared once again. This time, he donated 100 yuan. "The people in the disaster area are in more trouble than I am!"下午,老人再一次出现。这次,他捐出了100元。“灾区的人比我更困难!”
8."I wanted to donate more this morning, but the money was too fragmented - . . . . "It turned out that he went to the bank at noon and exchanged the change for whole money.“我上午就想多捐一点,但钱太零碎了··. . . . ”原来,他中午到银行把零钱兑换成了整钱。
9.Have similar characters appeared around you?你身边是否出现过类似的人物?
10.Please work with your group to collect stories of people's relentless resistance to disasters and their solidarity in disasters, and share them with the class to discuss what is the spirit of indomitable, solidarity and resistance to disasters.请和小组同学一起收集人们不懈抗灾以及在灾害中团结互助的故事,并在班级交流,讨论什么是不屈不挠、团结互助的抗灾精神。
11.Although natural disasters will happen again, we will do our best to form a disaster reduction community across the country to prevent and reduce the harm caused by natural disasters.尽管自然灾害还会发生,但是我们会尽最大的力量,全国上下形成减灾共同体,共同预防、减少自然灾害对我们的伤害。





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