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9 Increasingly Important International Organizations 9 日益重要的国际组织
1.International Organizations国际组织
2.Some countries and regions have formed international organizations for specific common goals.一些国家和地区为了特定的共同目标而组成国际组织。
I3.nternational organizations make statutes, establish institutions and carry out activities, and are important members of the international community.国际组织制定章程、设立机构、开展活动,是国际社会的重要成员。
4.According to their geographical scope, international organizations can be divided into world international organizations and regional international organizations.按照地理范围,国际组织可以分为世界性国际组织和区域性国际组织。
5.Members of world international organizations come from all over the globe, while members of regional international organizations are limited to a specific scope.世界性国际组织的成员来自全球各地,区域性国际组织的成员限于特定范围。

Reading Corner阅读角
1.International Olympic Committee国际奥林匹克委员会
2.he International Olympic Committee leads the modern Olympic movement, and its symbol - the five overlapping circles - represents the unity of the five continents and the gathering of athletes from around the world.国际奥林匹克委员会领导现代奥林匹克运动,其标志-五个套接的圆环-代表五大洲的团结、全世界运动员的会聚。
3.Association of Southeast Asian Nations东南亚国家联盟

4.The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) consists of ten countries, including Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand, and promotes cooperation in various fields in the Southeast Asian region.东南亚国家联盟由印度尼西亚、新加坡、马来西亚、泰国等十个国家组成,在东南亚地区推动多领域的合作。
5.What other worldwide international organizations do you know?你还知道哪些世界性国际组织?
6.Besides Southeast Asia, are there any regional international organizations in other parts of the world?除了东南亚,世界其他地区有区域性国际组织吗?
7.According to the scope of their functions, international organizations can be divided into general international organizations and specialized international organizations.按照职能范围,国际组织可以分为一般性国际组织和专门性国际组织。
8.General international organizations operate in many fields such as politics, economy, culture and society, while specialized international organizations mostly operate only in some specific fields.一般性国际组织在政治、经济、文化和社会等多领域开展活动,专门性国际组织大多只在某些特定领域开展活动。
9.The World Bank mainly provides loans and investments to member countries to help them develop.世界银行主要向成员国提供贷款和投资,帮助其发展。
10.The picture shows a road built by the World Bank on loan to a developing country.图为世界银行贷款给发展中国家修建的公路。
11.The World Health Organization aims to promote the development of global health.世界卫生组织旨在推动全球卫生健康事业的发展。
12.The picture shows the organization guiding African countries to fight against Ebola virus.图为该组织指导非洲国家抗击埃博拉病毒。

Activity Park活动园
1.Determine whether the following international organizations are world or regional international organizations, general or specialized international organizations. Please put a "V" in the corresponding brackets.判断下列国际组织是世界性国际组织还是区域性国际组织,是一般性国际组织还是专门性国际组织。请在相对应的括号内打“V”。
2.International organizations play an important role in promoting extensive exchanges and cooperation among countries, resolving conflicts and disputes, and promoting peace and development.国际组织在推动国家之间广泛的交流合作、解决矛盾纠纷、促进和平与发展等方面,发挥着重要作用。
3.The United Nations and the World Trade Organization联合国和世界贸易组织
4.The United Nations is the most universal, representative and authoritative intergovernmental international organization of our time, playing an irreplaceable role in maintaining world peace, promoting global development and fostering friendship among nations.联合国是当代最具普遍性、代表性和权威性的政府间国际组织,在维护世界和平、促进全球发展、增进各国友好等方面发挥着无可替代的作用。
5.The United Nations Headquarters building in New York, USA

Reading Corner阅读角
Origin of the United Nations联合国的来历
1.The United Nations is the product of the world's victory in the war against fascism and the result of mankind's long-term efforts for peace and development. 联合国是世界人民反法西斯战争胜利的产物,是人类为和平与发展长期努力的结果。第二次世界大战即将结束时,各国人民希望建立一个能够维护世界和平与安全的国际组织。
2.In 1945, representatives of China, the Soviet Union, the United States, the United Kingdom, France and other countries held a constitutional convention in San Francisco and adopted the Charter of the United Nations, which came into force on October 24 and formally established the United Nations. 1945年、中国、苏联、美国、英国、法国等国家的代表在美国旧金山举行制宪会议,通过《联合国宪章》。10月24日,宪章生效,联合国正式成立。
3.As of January 219, the United Nations has 193 Member States. 截至219年1月,联合国有193个会员国。

4.The flag of the United Nations has a light blue background and a white United Nations emblem in the center.联合国旗帜的底色为浅蓝色,正中是一个白色的联合国徽记。
5.The UN emblem features a map of the world viewed from the North Pole, surrounded by olive branches.

6.The UN Flag联合国旗帜
7.With so many Member States, the United Nations has many different languages.联合国有这么多会员国,各国语言大不相同。
8.So, what languages does the UN work in?那么,联合国用什么语言开展工作呢?
9.The United Nations has a number of key bodies:联合国设有一些主要机构:
10.the General Assembly is the main deliberative and policy-making body with a broad mandate;
11.the Security Council has primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security; 
12.the Economic and Social Council promotes international cooperation in the economic and social fields;
13.the International Court of Justice is used for the peaceful settlement of international disputes;国际法院用于和平解决国际争端;
14.and the Secretariat is composed of the Secretary-General and his staff, who is the chief administrative officer of the United Nations.秘书处由秘书长及办事人员组成,负责日常工作,秘书长是联合国的首席行政长官。

Activity Park活动园
1.Read the materials below and tell us about the role of the main UN bodies, taking into account the information you have learned.阅读下面的材料,并结合你了解到的信息,说说联合国
2.The UN General Assembly is composed of all Member States.联合国大会由所有会员国组成。
3.The UN Security Council consists of five permanent members and ten non-permanent members. 联合国安全理事会由五个常任理事国和十个非常任理事国组成。
4.The permanent members include China, the United States, Russia, the United Kingdom and France; 常任理事国包括中国、美国、俄罗斯、英国和法国;
5.the non-permanent members are elected by the UN General Assembly for a two-year term.非常任理事国由联合国大会选出,任期两年。
6.Unlike other major institutions, the International Court of Justice is located in the Netherlands.和其他主要机构不同,国际法院位于荷兰。
7.The picture shows the logo of the International Court of Justice. 图为国际法院的标志。
8.The UN Economic and Social Council holds a special session on the Ebola outbreak. 联合国经济及社会理事会就埃博拉疫情举行特别会议。
9.The World Trade Organization is one of the most important international economic organizations of our time, known as the "Economic United Nations," and its members account for the vast majority of world trade 世界贸易组织是当代最重要的世界性国际经济组织之一,被称为“经济联合国”,其成员间的贸易额占世界贸易额的绝大多数。
10.The headquarters of the World Trade Organization in Geneva, Switzerland位于瑞士日内瓦的世界贸易组织总部
11.What do the six arcs look like?这六道弧线像什么?
12.What is the meaning of such a symbol?这样的标志有什么含义?
13.The World Trade Organization logo世界贸易组织的标志

Activity Park活动园
1.The World Trade Organization was officially established on January 1, 1995. As of January 2019, the organization has 164 members. Please discuss the impact of China's membership in the organization in 2001 on China and the world with the following chart.世界贸易组织于1995年1月1日正式成立。截至2019年1月,该组织有164个成员。请结合下图,谈谈中国2001年加入该组织对中国和世界的影响。
2.Imported goods item building进口商品项造
3.Chinese goods are being loaded on ships ready for export to foreign countries中国商品正装船准备出口到国外

4.Foreign goods entering the Chinese market外国商品进入中国市场
5.China and International Organizations中国与国际组织
6.China holds high the banner of peace, development, cooperation and win-win situation, firmly grasps the main line of adhering to peaceful development and promoting national rejuvenation, practices the concept of great power diplomacy with Chinese characteristics and safeguards national interests.中国高举和平、发展、合作、共赢的旗帜,牢牢把握坚持和平发展、促进民族复兴这条主线,践行中国特色大国外交理念,维护国家利益。
7.China is a founding member of the United Nations and participated in the process of its establishment.中国是联合国创始会员国,参与了联合国的筹建过程。
8.China is a permanent member of the UN Security Council and has a key voice in major affairs related to peace and security.中国是联合国安全理事会常任理事国,在事关和平与安全的重大事务上有关键话语权。
9.In line with its great international responsibility, China respects the authoritative status of the United Nations, actively participates in all its work and plays an important role in the cause of human peace and development.中国本着自身肩负的重大国际责任,尊重联合国的权威地位,积极参加各项工作,在人类和平与发展事业中发挥着重要作用。
10.Signed by Chinese delegate Dong Biwu on behalf of the State Council中国代表董必武国中客上签字
11.China participates extensively in various international organizations, takes an active part in multilateral affairs, supports the United Nations, the G20, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the BRICS countries to play an active role, and promotes the development of the international order and the international system in a just and reasonable direction.中国广泛参加各种国际组织,积极参与多边事务,支持联合国、二十国集团、上海合作组织、金砖国家发挥积极作用,推动国际秩序和国际体系朝着公正合理的方向发展。

Reading Corner阅读角
Group of Twenty (G20)二十国集团
1.Established in 1999, the G20 is the main forum for contemporary international economic cooperation, with members including China, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Turkey, the United Kingdom, the United States and the European Union.二十国集团成立于1999年,是当代国际经济合作主要论坛,成员包括中国、阿根廷、澳大利亚、巴西、加拿大、法国、德国、印度、印度尼西亚、意大利、日本、韩国、墨西哥、俄罗斯、沙特阿拉伯、南非、土耳其、英国、美国和欧盟。
2.The G20 brings together the world's major economies, with significant influence and role, and is at the forefront of addressing risk challenges and opening up space for growth.
3.G20 Leaders Hangzhou Summit 20162016年二十国集团领导人杭州峰会

4.Find information about the 2016 Hangzhou Summit logo and tell us about the prototype and symbolic meaning of the summit logo.查找2016年杭州峰会会标的相关资料,说一说峰会会标的原型和寓意。
5.A medicine Ping'er甲药平儿
6.More fire outside the witness sale证售外更火
Activity Park活动园
Today, China participates in more and more international organizations and contributes more and more to them. 今天,我国参加的国际组织越来越多,对国际组织的贡献也越来越大。
2.Students have collected information about some of the international organizations that China has joined in groups.同学们分组收集了中国加人的部分国际组织的相关资料。
3.Can you correspond these international organizations with their introductions?你能把这些国际组织与其介绍对应起来吗?
4.The highest level, widest field and most influential economic cooperation mechanism in the Asia-Pacific region, with 21 members, including China.亚太地区级别最高、领域最广、最具影响力的经济合作机制,现有包括中国在内的21个成员。
5.It includes five countries: China, Russia, India, Brazil and South Africa. In the spirit of openness, inclusiveness, cooperation and win-win situation, it builds a closer, more comprehensive and stronger partnership and speaks out together as a representative of emerging market countries and developing countries in international affairs.包含中国、俄罗斯、印度、巴西和南非五个国家,本着开放、包容、合作、共赢的精神,构建更紧密、更全面、更牢固的伙伴关系,在国际事务中作为新兴市场国家和发展中国家的代表共同发声。
6.The eight countries, including China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, India and Pakistan, advocate and practice the "Shanghai Spirit" of mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality, consultation, respect for diverse civilizations and pursuit of common development, and carry out extensive cooperation.包含中国、俄罗斯、哈萨克斯坦、塔吉克斯坦、乌兹别克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦、印度和巴基斯坦八个国家,倡导和践行互信、互利、平等、协商、尊重多样文明、谋求共同发展的“上海精神”,开展广泛合作。
7.Do you know what other international organizations our country participates in?你知道我国还参加了哪些国际组织吗?
8.Collect information and give an overview of them and our role in them.收集资料,对它们的概况以及我国在其中的作用做一个介绍。
Warm Tips
1.Ways to collect information about international organizations.
2.-Go to the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China
3.-Visit the official websites of relevant international organizations
4.-Collect news reports in recent years
5.-Go to the library to find information





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