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2021-6-10 15:47| 发布者: admin| 查看: 24| 评论: 0

摘要: `

10.On the moon 登上月球

1. From the legend of Chang' e running to the moon to the Jade Rabbit, we can see people exploring the moon step by step.“嫦娥奔月”的传说到“玉兔号”登月,可以看到人们探索月球的一步步脚印。

2. What is the moon? 月球是什么子的呢?

3. Task Card任务卡

4. Search for information about the Moon. 搜索关于月球的资料。

5. Material package材料包

6. Stones, glass balls, fine sand, etc.石块,玻璃球,细沙等。

7. The moon has craters, and月球表面有环形山,还有.....

8. Activity process活动过程

9. Exchange understanding of the moon. There is no air on the moon.交流对月球的认识。月球上没有空气。

10. The moon has craters and...月球表面有环形山还有……

11. Data Card资料卡

12. The surface of the moon is uneven, the bright part is the high mountain, the dark part is the plain.月球表面高低不平,看上去明亮的部分是高山,看上去阴暗的部分是平原。

13. Objects orbiting planets like the moon belong to satellites.像月球这样围绕行星运行的天体属于卫星

14. The Moon is the Earth's satellite of月球是地球的卫星。

15. How did the craters on the moon form?月球上的环形山是怎样形成的?

16. Thinking Navigation思维导航

17. What is the difference between "craters" of different sizes falling from the same height on the sand?不同大小的石子从相同高度落在沙子上撞出的“环形山”有什么不同?

18. What is the difference between the "crater" when the same size of the glass ball falls from different heights? 相同大小的玻璃球从不同高度落下撞出的“环形山”有什么不同?

19. Think of the origin of the crater on the moon.推想月球上环形山的成因。

20. Understand the long process of human lunar landing.了解人类登月经历的漫长过程。

21. The ancients yearned for landing on the moon, there is the legend of Chang' e running to the moon.古人向往登上月球,就有了嫦娥奔月的传说。

22. Armstrong is said to be the first to mount the moon据说阿姆斯特朗是第一位踏上月球的人。

23. I know the "Jade Rabbit "我知道“玉兔号”....

24. Outreach activities拓展活动

25. If we want to land on the moon, what do we need to do?假如要登上月球,我们需要做哪些准备?

26. Check the data and find out.查阅资料,了解一下。





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