
Chapter 1 Part 2

2016-10-11 09:57| 发布者: admin| 查看: 971| 评论: 0

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Part 2



1. No country in the world is completely free from WITCHES.

2. Witch is always a woman.

3. I do not wish to speak badly about women. Most women are lovely.

4. But the fact remains that all witches are women.

5. There is no such thing as a male witch.



1. On the other hand, a ghoul is always a male.

2. So indeed is a barghest.

3. Both are dangerous.

4. Bu neither of them is half as dangerous as a REAL WITCH.

5. As far as children are concerned, a REAL WITCH is easily the most dangerous of all the living creatures on earth.



1. What makes her doubly dangerous is the fact that she doesn't look dangerous.

2. Even when you know all the secrets (you will hear about those in a minute).

3. You can still never be quite sure whether it is a witch you are gazing at or just a kind lady.

4. If a tiger were able to make himself look like a large dog with a waggy tail,

5. You would probably go up and pat him on the head.



1. And that would be the end of you. It is the same with witches.

2.They all look like nice ladies.

3. For all you know, a witch might be living next door to you right now.

4. Or she might be the woman with the bright eyes who sat opposite you on the bus this morning.

5. She might be the lady with the dazzling smile who offered you a sweet from a white paper bag in the street before lunch.

6. She might even--- and this will make you jump--- she might even be your lovely school-teacher.



1. Look carefully at that teacher.

2. Perhaps she is smiling at the absurdity of such a suggestion.

3. Don't let that put you off.

4. It could be part of her cleverness.

5. I am not, of course, telling you for one second that your teacher actually is a witch.



1. All I am saying is that she might be one.

2. It is most unlikely.

3. But--- and here comes the big "but"--- it is not impossible.

4. Oh, if only there were a way of telling for sure whether a woman was a witch or not,  then we could round them all up and put them in the meat-grinder.



1. Unhappily, there is no such way.

2. But there are a number of little signals you can look out for, little quirky habits that all witches have in common.

3. And if you know about these, if you remember them always.

4. Then you might just possibly manage to escape from being squelched before you are very much older.






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