

2023-12-9 12:24| 发布者: 陈校长| 查看: 392| 评论: 0

摘要: ·

1. Present Simple:

"Do you run every morning?"

"Yes, I usually run every morning. It's my daily exercise routine."

2. Present Continuous:

"What are you doing right now?"

"I am currently running in the park."

3. Past Simple:

"Did you run yesterday morning?"

"Yes, I ran five kilometers yesterday morning."

4. Past Continuous:

"What were you doing at this time yesterday?"

"I was running by the river at this time yesterday."

5. Present Perfect:

"Have you run this morning?"

"Yes, I have already run a lap this morning."

6. Present Perfect Continuous:

"Have you been running regularly recently?"

"Yes, I have been consistently running every day recently."

7. Past Perfect:

"Had you been running regularly before you entered the marathon?"

"Yes, I had been running for several years before participating in the marathon."

8. Past Perfect Continuous:

"Had  you been running regularly before you got injured?"

"Yes, I had been running every day before I got injured."

9. Future Simple:

"Will you run tomorrow morning?"

"Yes, I will."

10. Future Continuous:

"What will you be doing at this time tomorrow?"

"I should be running at this time tomorrow."

11. Future Perfect:

"By next week, will you have completed your running plan?"

"Yes, by next week, I will have completed my weekly running goal."

12. Future Perfect Continuous:

"By next year, how long will you have been running?"

"By next year, I will have been running for five years."

1. 现在时:



2. 现在进行时:



3. 过去时:



4. 过去进行时:



5. 现在完成时:



6. 现在完成进行时:



7. 过去完成时:



8. 过去完成进行时:



9. 将来时:



10. 将来进行时:



11. 将来完成时:



12. 将来完成进行时:







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