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2020-2-26 09:00| 发布者: admin| 查看: 373| 评论: 0

摘要: ·

Tomato and Potato

Baby bear is hungry.

Baby bear says to Mother bear

'Mother I'm hungry. '

Mother  bear says ,

'I have a tomato.

I have a potato.

What would you like to eat,

tomato or potato?'

Baby bear says to Mother ,

'I want to eat potato.

I don't want to eat tomato.'

Mother  bear says ,

'Baby bear wants  to eat potato.

Baby bear does not want to eat tomato.'


Mother bear gives the potato to  Baby bear.


Baby bear says ,' Thank you ,Mother.'

Baby bear eats the potato.

 Baby bear says to  Mother bear

'Mother, I'm not full.

Now I want to eat the tomato.'

Mother bear gives the tomato to  Baby bear.


Baby bear says , 'Thank you ,Mother.'

Baby bear eats the tomato.

Mother bear asks  Baby bear,

'Are you full?'

Baby bear answers

'Im full.

But I'm thirsty.'

Mother bear gives Baby bear some water.

Baby bear drinks the  water.

Mother bear asks  Baby bear,

'Are you still thirsty?'

Baby bear answers,

'I'm not thirsty any longer.

But I'm sleepy.'

Baby bear goes to bed.

Baby bear goes to sleep.





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