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2020-2-26 09:08| 发布者: admin| 查看: 308| 评论: 0

摘要: ·

Shi Yi wakes up.

She wants to get up.

Mom says

You have a red shirt

You have a yellow shirt

Which one do you like to wear?

Shi Yi says

I like to wear the red one

Shiyi puts on the red shirt

Mom says

You have a red skirt

You have a yellow skirt

Which one do you like to wear?

Shi Yi says

I like to wear the red one

Shiyi puts on the red skirt

Mom says

Shiyi is wearing a red shirt

Shiyi is wearing a red skirt

Shi Yi Shi Yi

Don't sit on the dirt

Shiyi wants to get out of bed

Shiyi wants to put on socks

Mom said

You have a pair of red socks

You have a pair of yellow socks

Which pair do you want to wear?

Shi Yi says

I want to wear the red

Shiyi puts on the red socks

Shiyi wants to put on shoes

Mom says

You have a pair of red shoes

You have a pair of yellow shoes

Which pair do you want to wear?

Shi Yi says

I want to wear the red

Shiyi puts on the red shoes

Mom says

Shiyi is wearing red socks

Shiyi is wearing shoes

ShiYi ShiYi

What are you going to do?

Shiyi gets out of bed

Shiyi washes her hands

Shiyi washes her face

Shi Yi is hungry.

Shi Yi says

I am hungry

Mom says

We have some eggs

We have some milk

We have some cereal

We have some bread

what do you want to eat?

Shi Yi says

I want to eat eggs

I want to drink milk

I want to eat cereal

I want to eat bread

Shiyi eats some eggs

Shiyi drinks some milk

Shiyi eats some cereals

Shiyi eats some bread

Shiyi has a good breakfast





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