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2020-2-26 09:37| 发布者: admin| 查看: 306| 评论: 0

摘要: `

Shiyi wants to eat an apple

She says to Mum

I want to eat an apple

Mum says to Shiyi

We have two apples

One is red

The other is yellow

Which one do you want?

Shiyi says to Mum

I want the yellow one

Mum gives Shiyi the yellow apple

Mum asks Shiyi

Where are you going to eat the apple?

Shiyi answers

On the pillow

Mum says

Apple apple is yellow

Shiyi eats apple on the pillow


Shiyi wants to eat an apple

She says to Mum

I want to eat an apple

Mum says to Shiyi

We have two apples

One is red

The other is yellow

Which one do you want?


Shiyi says to Mum

I want the red one

Mother gives Shiyi the red apple

Mom asks Shiyi

Where are you going to eat the apple?


Shiyi answers

In the bed

Mom says

Apple apple is red

Shiyi eats apple in the bed





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